The contribution proposes a terminology and educational analysis of person, not as a biological being, but as a complex, emotional, happy, and resilient. So starting from the epistemological position of human beings, according to educational theories, the complexity of emotion and in synergy with…
In contemporary time, the continuous research about a possible theory approach for helped the learning activity, and associable to the use of electronics technologies is frequently the focus of a educative researches and questions. Dewey whit your pragmatism has modeled the educational objects on…
A partire dal 2011, su incarico del Prof. Domingo J. Gallego con motivo di espansione dell'area di ricerca e applicazione del questionario CHAEA, è stata avviata in diretta colla-borazione con la UNED di Madrid, la prima traduzione dello strumento docimologico in lingua italiana, il Questionario…