This reflection on the importance of non-cognitive skills introduces good practices within educational paths using as a guiding case an experience lived within two classes of High School Virgilio in Milan. The technique used to carry out the activity is an adaptation of the Lego Serious Play (LSP)…
How society is changing respect to the introduction of recent technologies and how the school can manage this change are questions that this collective survey giving voice to the educating society from kindergarten to ministerial leadership. The Grounded Theory path, in this case using Lego Serious…
In the innovative climate of continuous experimentation in which we are involved, development should be regulated not only by technical-scientific disciplines but also by humanistic ones such as education, psychology, anthropology and philosophy in order to train scientists to program machines that…
This contribution aims to highlight what kind of pedagogy the DaD is capable of conveying. Drawing lessons from the moment of crisis that the country is going through, we will focus on the policies and educational actions to be organized along theoretical lines in an interdisciplinary…
The essay observing the state of the art in the employment field has the objective of activating a process of reflection on the implications of socio-economic changes related to technological developments and on what it is considered necessary to know and know to be trained as individuals within the…