Classified "A" by ANVUR in the fields 11/D1, 11/D2 Scientific in the field 14.
Roberto Orazi Ricercatore presso il Dipartimento di Filosofia, Scienze sociali umane e della Formazione, Università degli Studi di Perugia. MPED/03 - Didattica e Pedagogia Speciale.
Distance learning is a much-discussed topic; however, it has found more space in the debates than in the practical reality due to a mentality not inclined to change. Due to the crisis of the last few months, the topic has become decidedly more current since distance teaching has proved to be the…
This article presents the research on education for active listening and positive didactic communication. Listening education allows students to reach a so-called "reflective" phase which favors the meeting and dialogue in the educational sphere to improve the ability to share knowledge and an…
The problem of evaluation is an old problem, because every time we take initiatives to achieve a training objective, we also feel the need to check if the objectives are achievable. Evaluation processes today use new technologies that are able to meet this need, but it is also necessary to give the…
Every organization shall check an activity list in order to make profit; each activity is itself depending on a series of bonds (technology, assets, human resources, infrastructures...). In-business Learning is an essential bond: without it business process could even decade till complete breakout.…
From beginning of the new millennium the evolution and the widespread availability of telecommunication systems has allowed the birth of current information system and interconnection system (Internet) within which everybody can exchange information. Thanks to this fast developing today the online…
In today's technologically advanced scenarios the e-learning takes a strategic relevance due to expansion on networks. The present paper describes the evolution of e-learning in recent years thanks to the development of new media and describe the new version of the e-learning environments make…
The paper explores the topics of new media and their influence towards new forms of socialization that generate new knowledge and new learning ability. The new media have changed the relations between human beings in all areas of society, and this is because they are able, thanks to new forms of…
The paper explores the topics of new media and their influence towards new forms of socialization that generate new knowledge and new learning ability. The new media have changed the relations between human beings in all areas of society, and this is because they are able, thanks to new forms of…
L’interesse viene definito da molti come “rappresentazione insistente di un fine considerato favorevole al soggetto che lo rappresenta”, cioè come la molla dell’azione umana che si compie nel momento in cui vi è un interesse che lo determina. Questo vale per tutti, soprattutto per i più…
Non è un mistero che le PMI in Italia hanno sempre avuto difficoltà a riconoscere il vero valore delle formazione e della riqualificazione professionale e soprattutto ad adattare il proprio know-how ai cambiamenti imposti dal mercato, ma il perdurare della crisi economica sta cambiando questo…
L’evoluzione delle tecnologie legate all’Information and Communication Technology ha favorito in modo sostanziale l’evoluzione delle scienze didattiche verso modelli sempre più orientati alla formazione on-line Perciò quando parliamo di ambienti di apprendimento, progettati secondo modalità…