Classified "A" by ANVUR in the fields 11/D1, 11/D2 Scientific in the field 14.
Mariolina Ciarnella, Nicola Santangelo Mariolina Ciarnella è Presidente IRASE nazionale; Nicola Santangelo è professore a contratto, Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale
The paper examines the main causes of educational poverty (economic crisis, inadequate redistribution of wealth, quality of education and training, personal choices); the social effects that can derive from the emulation of models in which the logic of “everything and now” prevails and the role…
The paper examines the impact of web-mediated communication on teaching, with particular reference to the dematerialization of the learning environment. The educational environment is analyzed from the psycho-pedagogical point of view in its meaning of “place of training”, part of the didactic…