Classified "A" by ANVUR in the fields 11/D1, 11/D2 Scientific in the field 14.
Sonia Montegiove Informatica, formatrice, giornalista pubblicista, lavora presso ARPAL Umbria e collabora con Regione Umbria per i progetti DigiPASS, piattaforma Open Data Linked Umbria e Rete Animatori Digitali Umbria.
Digital culture transforms citizens into people who are aware of digital phenomena and dynamics wich have changed, and will change more and more, processes, habits, lifestyles. What is the role of the Public Administration and School in accompanying young people and adults to this new journey? How…
In this paper we’re trying to explain the first Italian experience of collaboration between Umbria Region and Regional Education Autority (USR) for the community of “animatori digitali” (teachers with particular role for the digital transformation of schools). A special network where the…