Classified "A" by ANVUR in the fields 11/D1, 11/D2 Scientific in the field 14.
Stefania Capogna Professore associato. Docente di Comunicazione pubblica e d'impresa del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Tecnologie e Linguaggi della Comunicazione
Educational agencies are going through a difficult transition period, with important consequences in terms of de-legitimacy of the social mandate historically assigned to the school. The reason of this widespread uneaseness can be traced in the fact that today we live in a complex system where…
For just over five years, even in our country, under the pressure of supranational public debate, there has been much talk about “social innovation”, without it being always clear what is meant by this definition. Therefore, the objective of this brief reflection is to circumscribe the meaning…
Thanks to the tumultuous digital technologies development, nowadays we live in a world without boundaries, characterized by liquid communities that meet and collide, sometimes denying mutual recognition. We move in a communicative bulimia where information runs like in a circus where the sense and…
Educational agencies are going through a difficult transition period that is having important consequences in terms of de-legitimation of the social mandate historically assigned to school. The reason of this widespread uneasiness is due to the fact that today we are living in a complex system where…
Today there is a widely shared view concerning the importance of the promotion of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) in the educational area, thanks to the efforts undertaken by the European Community with the inception of the Bologna Process (1999) which assigns to ICT an important role…
With the advent of the web, the way we produce and manage knowledge has been profoundly changed. This technological development makes available ever more versatile instruments that are able to access and manage increasing quantities of diversified information. It is important to observe these new…
The social system is profoundly changed, producing important consequences both in the school, and in our "communities." The concept of community is polysemic and various, depending on the perspective from which we study it. So, this essay focuses on the nature of the school as educational community.…
Non si può comprendere la comunicazione multimediale e il peso che essa assume nei processi formativi, lavorativi e sociali del XXI secolo se non si guarda al modo in cui lo sviluppo tecnologico degli ultimi venti anni ha contribuito a modificare la società. Infatti, con il passaggio dalla…
Con la società post-industriale, variamente definita da alcuni autorevoli osservatori società del rischio (Beck, 2000), società tardo-moderna (Giddens, 1990), società post-industriale (Touraine, 1998) (ciascuno dei quali evidenzia tratti diversi dei cambiamenti in atto), si assiste ad una…
The hypothesis that this paper advances is that the definition of a life plan within a clear time scale is the basic guidance framework - perhaps the only one that can help the subject in his or her effort to construct an identity and negotiate the transition from study to work. This hypothesis has…
Il lavoro di Stefania Nirchi mira a restituire le sotterranee tendenze di cambiamento che si intravedono nella scuola su questo tema, sia attraverso la ricostruzione delle riflessioni teoriche ad esso connesse, sia attraverso la presentazione di un caso di studio di significativo interesse: il Corso…
Il volume cerca di mostrare attraverso l'analisi teorica e la presentazione di casi virtuosi, sia di natura aziendale che istituzionale, la tendenza al superamento di un approccio istituzionale, produttivo, comunicativo e di marketing orientato a logiche uniformi di carattere collettivo, generico e…