Rapporti, riflessioni, presentazioni

(Re)Discovering to be an european citize The necessity of the education to European Citizenship in order to (ac)knowledge the active role to play in the Unio

It has been 13 years since the European Year of Citizenship Through Education. The need of the role of the education…

The educator, «teacher of cordial virtues»

Rethinking the role of educator in formal and non-formal educational context: this is the objective of the article. In…

Burnout at school. Characteristics and possible interventions on the phenomenon

From some years burnout seems to have an increasing escalation among teachers, with serious consequences both for the…

Studi e contributi di ricerca

Las TIC en las aulas de Educación Infantil

A lo largo de los últimos años se han producido un sinfín de avances en las llamadas Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación, (TICs). Su incorporación a diferentes ámbitos, han…
