Rapporti, riflessioni, presentazioni

Educating in Artificial intelligence. The use of robot in the field of didactics through labs

The robots are becoming more and more common in everyday life. In the last years their use has also increasingly spread…

Socially Assistive Robotics and Inclusive Education: theoretical perspectives and practical applications in intellectual disability

This contribution, examining the Socially Assistive Robotics (SAR), an emerging form of Assistive Technology that…

Technoscience and Citizenship: A Dewey-inspired Reading of the Educational Challenges of Contemporary Participatory Democracy

Starting from the Lippmann-Dewey debate, this paper relates its themes to nowadays’ society, understood as featured by…

Digital ethics

In the innovative climate of continuous experimentation in which we are involved, development should be regulated not…

The “augmented” teaching: the role of artificial intelligence in the personalization of teaching-learning processes

The paper analyzes the role that artificial intelligence can assume in the definition of more stimulating and inclusive…

Artificial intelligence, personalization of teaching and individual self-determination

The paper analyzes the role that artificial intelligence is taking on in teaching processes, with particular reference…

Machine Learning and Knowledge Building. Epistemology and ethics in artificial intelligence

In the realization that we cannot ignore that we live in what is called the infosphere, an environment in which the…

Affective computing and emotional intelligence: state of the art and future developments

The present article aims at providing an overview of the studies and research that, in the last years, have applied the…

Artificial intelligence and new perspectives for pedagogical research

Through an interdisciplinary interpretation reflecting the complexity of the topic, the authors intend to provide…

For gender pedagogy. Education, school and society

Pattern of thinking have impacted the gender difference for a long time with the distribution of roles and different…

Studi e contributi di ricerca

From digital immigrant to digital citizen: a psico-pedagogical intervention to foster digital skills in teachers

Prensky (2001) coined the term digital immigrant indicating one who resists digital change. The European Digital Agenda…

AI as an accompanying tool for teachers and students within the university system

The essay proposes the analysis of the potential that an Artificial Intelligence System applied to teaching and…

When my child is AI. Learning and experiencing through AI outside the school: the experiences of a community AI

We present the case study of a project funded by the Italian Ministry of Culture in which the partners were selected to…

Self-assessment on a digital platform for an effective Ongoing University Guidance

To reduce and prevent the risk of drop-out, we believe it is useful to set up specific Ongoing University Guidance…

Humanoid Robotics: a teaching/learning challenge

Humanoid robotics will help us to live better (Cingolani, 2018): human-like robots able to interact with their…