Rapporti, riflessioni, presentazioni

Editoriale. Bridging skill. Sviluppo, riconoscimento e promozione dell’umano attraverso competenze non cognitive

Il titolo della presente Call manifesta una duplice intenzione: da una parte richiama l’attenzione sulle competenze e…


In questo numero della rivista QTimes - Journal of Education, Technology and Social Studies si propone uno spaccato del…

Emotions as a bridge between non-cognitive skills and learning

In recent years, increasing attention has been paid to the so-called "non-cognitive skills" in relation to learning…

The narrative biographical approach in self-assessment processes and enhancement of non-cognitive competences

Non-cognitive competences refer to thought patterns, personal traits, motivations and behaviors that are built and…

Transversal competencies for well-being and learning in the making: formative trajectories

The pandemic emergency of recent years, followed by the international conflicts between East and West, have materialized…

Non-cognitive skills, equity and holistic personal development. Pedagogical reflection and working ideas

Starting from bill 2372/22, now in the Senato as Ddl 2493/22, the essay explores the link between non-cognitive…

For a new ethic of the human condition: citizenship education as a practice for developing life skills, agency, and the "future"

The complexity of our time presents education with new challenges. Among these is that of youth discomfort, which risks…

Develop non-cognitive skills through a virtual confrontation experience between pupils of two schools of Taranto city in times of pandemic

The recognition and enhancement of the human represent the core of the social contract to which the Unesco report…

The “question of skills” for a new configuration of the human

The current debate on the skills (soft, life, socio-emotional,… ), further revitalized by the draft law n. 2372/22,…

The strategic importance of non cognitive skills in schooling as a tool against early school-leaving

Human capital represents the most important resource available to countries for equitable and sustainable social and…

Problem-Based Learning: a key to Soft Skills

Since the end of the XX century, the construct of competence has gained a central role in the redefinition of school…

Reflecting on colorism: an essential formative commitment

The aim of this contribution is to focus on the skin’s colour, a "mere" morphological characteristic, which has…

Educating “social citizenship” to deal with the progress of new educational emergencies

The new educational emergencies, exacerbated by the pandemic situation, highlight the need for a pedagogy committed to…

Education at the crossroad between non-cognitive and co-cognitive skills

The paper presents a critical analysis of the concept of “non-cognitive”, often used by policymakers, educators,…

Skills for life and pedagogical research

“Skills for life” are not simply identifiable with non-cognitive skills. They are a very different object from other…

Sport talent. A reflection on non-cognitive skills in enhancing and developing potential in the classroom

This work embraces the most recent contributions of Italian special pedagogy (Pinnelli, 2019; 2017; Sorrentino, 2020;…

Learning to learn: for a reflection on soft skills in a sociocultural pedagogical perspective

In this theoretical article, we define Learning to Learn (L2L), at the intersection between cognitive and non cognitive…

Social emotional skills, non-cognitive skills and emotional contagion in distance learning

Today's digital contemporaneity requires more than ever the ability to relate and to socially connect, even and above…

Research and studies on the development of soft-skills. New educational changes

In the last two years, pupils and school and teaching staff have experienced situations of discomfort, malaise, stress,…

Studi e contributi di ricerca

Fighting implicit early school leaving through reading aloud

The pandemic period has generated an invisible “flood” of dropouts. Invalsi data for 2021 show that the number of…

Autobiographical methods for reflective and transversal skills training

The fragility of human existence, highlighted by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, involved different areas of life on an…

The disabling emotions and feelings of future special needs teachers: results of a survey on the emotional-relational factors involved in the perception of sensory disabilities

In addition to recognizing qualities based on knowledge, skills, competences related to strictly professional aspects…

Key Competences in the DADA Model School (Didactics for Learning Environments): a Case Study

The paper presents a case study on competences assessment and the introduction of “good practices”. The research was…

Educational Paths in Nature: re-orienting Human Beings towards Sustainable Development

The current situation presents us with the need for a re-orientation of education towards a sustainable development,…

Probation, pedagogical engagement, and school accountability. The subversive lesson of Don Lorenzo Milani

The lesson of Don Lorenzo Milani and the school of Barbiana is visionary in light of the bill approved by the Chamber of…

Bridging skills and teaching practices: a study on learning effectiveness in ex-tracurricular activities

The article aims to investigate the undermined scenario in which children, during this intrapan-demic period, had to…

The cognitive within the non-cognitive: models and educational representations

This reflection on the importance of non-cognitive skills introduces good practices within educational paths using as a…

Resilience and the pedagogical task: from research-training to transformative educator intervention

The concept of resilience describes the ability to resist and cope with the destructive challenges that life sometimes…

Fuori call

Immersive technologies for learning improvement in higher education: A study on students’ perceptions

Over the past fifteen years, the subject of the pedagogical and technological renewal of higher education has received…

Inclusion and post-pandemic: hints for a reinterpretation of bell hooks’ pedagogy

Starting from the original suggestions offered by the thought of bell hooks, we intend to decline some of the concepts…

Process evaluation in the school system between governance needs and relationship with stakeholders

In the current educational context, characterized by school autonomy, the importance attributed to evaluation is…

Alexa and Siri as schoolmates: studying and learning through intelligent personal assistants

Intelligent personal assistants, conversational agents that can dialogue with humans through speech, have quickly…

Pedagogical Interventions and Person - Training in Social Help Communities in times of uncertainty

The intention of this contribution is to discuss the types of social aid organizations. The reflection aims to identify…