Rapporti, riflessioni, presentazioni

Editoriale: un nuovo orizzonte di senso per la scuola del 2050

Il periodo post-pandemico ha lasciato aperte questioni importanti e ineludibili che interessano la scuola e…

Presentazione: verso il 2050. Costruire una società digitale equa per le nuove generazioni. Il ruolo della scuola e dell’educazione

Questo numero della rivista QTimes - Journal of Education, Technology and Social Studies si propone di contribuire a un…

The impact of digital technologies on the school-family relationship during distance learning

In the educational context, technology is increasingly perceived as a key element of great educational renewal. For this…

The digital age in 2050: beyond technology skills toward identity and critical mindsets

Due to the immersive and pervasive nature of technology and connectivity, digital skills are constantly evolving. It’s…

Data visualization techniques and tools for disseminating Italian students' learning achievements in a smart and innovative way: the INVALSIopen experience

With the pandemic period, the generation of data has grown exponentially and in order to ensure that it can be accessed…

Initial teacher training and digital skills: a possible interpretation of the reforms underway

In the wake of media education and research in the field of experimental pedagogy, this paper traces the regulatory…

Digital environments and Performing arts in school education

Over the past two decades, technological change has produced new digital environments capable of accommodating and…

Promote the development of digital skills in teachers. The strategic role of the Pedagogical Digital Competence Developer

Increasing the quality of learning and teaching by promoting a closer link with research is the main mission of the…

Algoretics and digital fragility: the new challenges of pedagogical epistemology for contemporary education

Today there is no relational, physical, social and economic/digital phenomenon that manages to escape from algorithmic…

Artificial Intelligence and Promotion of Socio-Emotional Skills in Primary School: Ethical-Pedagogical Perspectives and Educational Possibilities

The ethical-functional design, programming and management of artificial intelligence and robotics represent one of the…

Machine Learning and Big Data to understand the value of data from a training perspective

The paper poses as a basis for analysis a question connected to the evolution, which took place from the 2000s to today,…

Pandemic, online education, privacy, democracy: the Google affair

Google is the most widely used search engine in the world (Statcounter, 2022) and many users consider it an…

Technological learning environments: tools for the assessment of digital skills

In the educational applications of multimedia and virtual reality there is a work of redefinition of the principles…

Giftedness and digital revolution

The relationship between giftedness and the digital revolution deserves particular attention as regards the emotional…

Education and metaverse for didactics and inclusion: opportunities and perspectives

In today's hyper-connected society, the implications of developing one's own identity, experience and collective memory…

Ethics and regulation of artificial intelligence. 2020 Europe’s digital future: towards a new digital citizenship

Disinformation by non-European actors can have negative risks to the detriment of people, which are not predictable and…

Studi e contributi di ricerca

Digital educational poverty: construct, tools to detect it, results

In 2021 the Research Center on Education for Media, Innovation and Technology (Cremit) of the Catholic University and…

Enhancing reading and illustrations through a virtual Reading Challenge. Results from an exploratory research

The paper aims to contribute to the reflection on the new scenarios and to deepen the best practices that emerged in the…

Online learning and instructional design: formative expectations of learners

The different contexts of education - both related to the university context, to teacher training, and to different…

Kamishibai in the classroom – an inclusive and sustainable approach

Agenda 2030 sets out goals that refer directly to the world of education: "Providing quality, equitable and inclusive…

Digital Education. Cultural Heritage and Generation Z

Starting from the principles of Karl Mannheim's sociological theory of generations and from the analysis of the 11th…

Distance Learning and ICT as driving forces for change: what social impacts in secondary schools in Rome

After the spread of Covid-19 in Italy, digital technologies have made it possible to carry on the ordinary activities of…

Artificial intelligence, labour market, lifelong learning and school education: a review of international documents

The general purpose of this review is to analyze the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the labour market. The…

University and artificial intelligence: ethical perspectives and the search for values in the student population

the article investigates the ethical relevance of artificial intelligence and the impact of technologies on the…

Promoting values and enhancing skills through digital learning spaces: analysis of best practices in pandemic time

The effects of the Coronavirus pandemic on the Italian school system have indirectly suggested the path that the Italian…

Inclusion and digital skills. Strategic priorities for the development of digital competences of special education teachers

Digital skills currently play a fundamental epidiptic role in the ability of education systems to renew themselves and…

The role of the school headmaster in promoting inclusive digital competences

In the hyper-connected society, the profound and incessant technological transformation, augmented by the pandemic,…

Digital Educational Ecosystems and multimodal alphabets: teachers' thinking between needs for innovation and resistance

The unfolding educational scenario imposes reflections related to the function and decisive role that technologies can…

The promotion of the well-being of people over 60 by increasing digital skills: a preliminary experimental study

In the academic year 2021/2022 the research project “Prevention of domestic accidents and promotion of physical…

The educational relationship between lectures and university students in third digital spaces

A strong expansion of digital practices has accompanied the pandemic emergence, also in education. This rapid change in…

Smartphone in the pandemic withdrawal. An exploratory study

The paper presents the main findings of exploratory research on the use of smartphones in the period of Covid-19. In…

School on the Screen. Didactic Contract and Hidden Curriculum during Distance and Hybrid Learning

Due to the increasing SARS-CoV-2 infections, teaching activities in Italian schools were suspended on 5 March 2020.…

The ‘virtual’ historical-educational heritage: experiments and new perspectives

The common ground into which historical knowledge, techniques for creating digital environments and the tools of…

Gender differences in the use of new technologies and in university performance: quantitative analysis and pedagogical implications

The new digital technologies are now an integral part of the communication and training practices of young people, who…

The development of pedagogical and digital skills at the university. Is remote learning better?

In Italy the training of the support teachers takes place in universitary specialization courses, in which the ICT are…


Recensione al volume di Vincenzo Bonazza, Individualizzazione e scuola – Il modello di apprendimento, la strategia didattica, la ricerca empirica, Milano: FrancoAngeli, 2021, pp. 136.

In questo volume dal linguaggio scientifico e al contempo fluido, diretto e pragmatico, l’autore Vincenzo Bonazza…

Fuori call

The problematicism of Giovanni Maria Bertin as an opportunity to critically read Jean Vanier's pedagogy

Bertin's works on ethics, the phenomenology of commitment, problematicism and the rational personality helps to…

Traces for a formative reflection on “passing”

“Passing” is realised in being able to be considered as belonging to a social and relational category different from…

Insieme: inclusive education as a shared responsibility. Journal of a self-evaluation experience

In the Autumn of 2021, the Italian Regional School Office (USR) for Sicily launched the Insieme project with the aim of…

School as an Educational Community for an Inclusive Democracy

In this paper the author analyzes an hypothesis to define an educational project for a school as an educational…