Rapporti, riflessioni, presentazioni

Editoriale: Gioco serio, oltre l’ossimoro

Il “serious game” (SG), concetto apparentemente ossimorico, rimanda ad un’attività seria in un contesto di gioco,…

Learning out of the box using LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®

The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® (LSP) methodology was born in the 1990s within the LEGO® Group to (re)-innovate managerial…

Serious Games for Cultural Awareness and lifelong learning

The serious game (SG) underlies the concept of edutainment, a type of game that aims to educate by entertaining. The…

Situated Learning and Serious Games

The spread of technologies, of the growing human-machine interaction, of the culture of simulation and, in particular,…

Thinking with hands. Building, playing, and narrating from an inclusive perspective

The intercultural education of teachers and the design of training courses from an inclusive perspective is an important…

Water, game, power. Biopolitical hypotheses of serious games’ interpretation

This is water is the commencement speech with which David Foster Wallace greeted undergraduates at Kenyon College in…

Urban explorations in digital serious games: educational paths for learning from the city

Learning can be fostered by technologies through devices aimed at embedded exploration of physical and digital spaces,…

Disability and work from an inclusive perspective: Serious games as a tool for self-empowerment

The issue of employment for people with disabilities, and in particular for young adults taking their first steps in the…

Exploring the sustainability of one's training through a serious game

The basis of a sustainable training path is the analysis of certain factors and the passing of certain stages that…

Are you Serious...? Playful practice for Disability & Diversity management

Serious Games are proving their suitability in business training and inclusion processes aimed at promoting and…

Play and work: serious game between competition and seriousness

Play and work are realities that, within a society strongly striving for productivity, are often placed on two distinct…

Studi e contributi di ricerca

MOOCs and Game-based Learning for Food Education at school: the “Atalante” project

Food, in its various forms and representations, plays a fundamental role in the culture of every population in the…

“Brain trainer” and “exergames” in active ageing

Playing videogames can positively affect health and well-being in older adults, alleviating the loss of cognitive…

Active learning and academic teaching: a gamification experience between game and inclusion

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the higher education system had to reconsider its approach to teaching and evaluation to…

Gamification and game-based learning in higher education: a case study about teachers’ expectations

This paper is a qualitative case study which explores university teachers' attitudes towards gamification, their…

Cooperative learning in the university context: a workshop experience using Serious Games

Digital learning increases cognitive and social skills (Anolli & Mantovani, 2011). This paper explores the use of…

Learning by playing: the construction of IEP through Open Education. Reflections of a group of support teachers trainees

This paper presents an experience conducted by the writer within the Support Specialization Course of Roma Tre…

Play competences as organisational competences. A serious game experience for corporate training

In consideration of the growing application of seriuous games in multiple contexts (Breuer & Bent, 2010; Donovan,…

The assessment of worklife skills through a Serious Game: the Among the Office Criticality experience

Serious Games (SG) represent an innovative and increasingly popular learning mode in a variety of fields, including…

Serious games and university orientation. A game-based learning experience

The contribution presents a game-based training experience aimed at high school students, developed as part of the…

Cinema and film analysis as serious game for the university active learning: analysis of a good pedagogical and didactic laboratory practice

“We can always do something. Didactic itineraries for legality” (Gianeselli, 2023) : in this project the serious…

Soft skills and serious games in remote work environments: a survey of SaaS digital entrepreneurs

The central role of Serious Games (SG) in the development of soft skills, of the worker's personal competences, prompts…


Recensione al volume: “La leadership educativa situata. Conoscere il contesto e cooperare” (2022) di Giovanni Moretti, Roma: Anicia

L’opera di Giovanni Moretti approfondisce il tema della leadership educativa, concettualizzata come diffusa, situata e democratica, indispensabile per affrontare con consapevolezza e in modo…