Rapporti, riflessioni, presentazioni

What evaluation for what context

Lo scopo di questo numero, senza alcuna pretesa di esaustività, è quello di affrontare il problema della valutazione…

Evaluation of education well-being: analysis of some tools

The promotion of learning and education well-being are two closely related factors; several studies have shown that…

The Invalsi Tests 2023: a secondary analysis for primary schools that suggests improvement actions

According to Scriven (2000), evaluation is “the process through which the value, merit, or significance of some entity…

Digital technologies for a multidirectional evaluation strategy

The contribution analyses evaluation methodologies and innovative measurement tools, used in the academic field with the…

ESCS and Educational Equity: In-depth Analysis and Challenges

This paper aims to explore the utility of the Economic, Social, and Cultural Status Indicator (ESCS) as a dynamic and…

The End of an educational project as an opportunity. Arto-graphics and Reflective practices for resilient evaluation

Often the end of a project manifests itself in the form of an evaluation. Where there is no learning to be certified, it…

Authentic assessment for s with disabilities through inclusive learning units

Assessment of learning is an indispensable part of any deliberate educational activity. This also applies in the case of…

Evaluative Literacy in the Self-learning Era: The Role of New Technologies and Artificial Intelligence

The goal of this paper is to highlight the role of assessment today, analyzing it within educational contexts based on…

Quality of teaching-learning processes in education: three case studies

Through 3 different case studies, this article reflects on past experiences of teaching and on different interpretations…

The Enhancement of Assessment through Artificial Intelligence in the Context of the Onlife Ecosystem

The School 4.0 Plan, promoter of a learning ecosystem formed by the intersection of physical spaces, schedules,…

Application and uses of cross reality in assessment for/as learning processes

In the framework of didactic-educational design, assessment, considered in its constructive function of the formative…

Assessing religious knowledge and competences: the case of religious teaching in Italian schools

The complexity of evaluation as a didactic operation must also deal with national regulations and supranational…

Evaluating, in Early Childhood Education and Care. For a valorising and formative evaluation, within the framework of the Italian integrated system 0-6

The paper focuses on the topic of evaluation in the Italian Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) system, within the…

Studi e contributi di ricerca

Innovating university teaching to improve student learning: QUALITI project and Teaching Quality Indicators Framework – TQIF

The EU documents emphasize how, for the development of effective policies and strategies for the modernization of higher…

Changes in Assessment Approaches in a Process of Educational Innovation: a multiple case study in Catalonia (Spain)

The aim of this article is to present those elements of assessment approaches that change as a consequence of a process…

The role of the school context in teachers' beliefs about formative assessment during the Emergency Remote Teaching

The focus of the paper is an observational-descriptive study of three comprehensive schools in the Lombardy Region. It…

The new assessment in primary schools: the perception of support teachers

The year 2020 was a time of profound changes for elementary school support teachers, first with the d. interm. n. 182…

What kind of assessment for transversal competences in Vocational Education and Training?

Vocational Education and Training (VET) aims to prepare young students for the labor market by jointly promoting…

Teacher Training and the Course for the 5 ECTS Credits: Satisfaction with the Quality of the Service Perceived by the Teachers

The paper reflects on satisfaction as an evaluative measure of perceived quality; in particular, on the satisfaction…

Assessment approaches and practices from the perspective of university teachers and students: a nationwide research

Assessment in HE literature states that alternative assessment approaches (Boud, 2010; Grion & Serbati, 2019;…

The effects of assessment as learning on the development of students’ evaluative judgement and self-efficacy: an experience in primary school

The recognition of an active and co-responsible role of learners in assessment has grown in importance over time. In…

Inclusive assessment for students with Special Educational Needs: critical issues and strengths

The theme of assessment refers to a complex and multidimensional construct, in which epistemological assumptions,…

The evaluation process in the parental education practices. From the analysis of the outcomes to the evaluation of the contexts

The theme of evaluation allows us to explore a reality continuously growing abroad, which is also quite widespread in…

Knowing through movement: construction of an evaluation rubric for kindergarten

The kindergarten teacher plays the role of educational guide capable of proposing learning paths that allow the children…

Evaluation practices of newly hired teachers: peer to peer observation to qualify the teaching-learning process

The contribution deepens the evaluation practices with a specific focus on the induction phase of the newly hired…

Promoting student wellbeing: an analysis of correlations between school climate, resilience, and socio-emotional skills

This study explores the relationship between school climate variables and students’ resilience and social-emotional…

Experimenting visual methods in multicultural universities. A process evaluation

The contribution reported here aims to describe photovoice experimentation as an image-based didactic experience carried…

Drawings as a tool for assessing Mixed Reality Mobile Learning experiences: a case study on heritage education in Italian primary school

In primary school, pupils often use drawings to express themselves, but it is rare for these drawings to be used to…

Learning by evaluating: an investigation on the use of feedback and peer feedback in initial teacher education

Feedback is considered as a primary component in formative assessment, as well as one of the factors that has a great…

Inclusive assessment as an antidote to early school leaving: a comparative case study

Some research has shown that pedagogical postures and meaningful relationships between teachers and students oriented…

The standardized assessment of learning according to OECD-PISA survey National Project Managers

The issue of educational evaluation has long attracted the attention of stakeholders, engaging them in debates of a…

Youth Gaurantee Program. A Conversational Device for Monitoring Extracurricular Internships for Graduates with Disabilities

This paper presents the results of the monitoring of the activities implemented under measure 5 ("Extracurricular…

What do students think about evaluation at school? And teachers in training? Reflections and meta-reflections for well-being at school

In the school context, learning to understand the reason for an evaluation is certainly one of the most arduous…

Individual and group evaluation in the "Group investigation": a methodological proposal in an art history teaching project

Evaluation allows students to become aware of their own educational process with the acquisition of disciplinary…


Pratiche di personalizzazione didattica e di feedback adattivo: un'analisi de "Istruzione adattiva: evidenze e strategie didattiche" di Giuseppina Rita Mangione, 2018, Pensa Editore

Nel dibattito dinamico sull’educare, sull’insegnare e sull’apprendere nella contemporaneità, caratterizzato dalla pervasività delle tecnologie digitali e da un’attenzione particolare alla…

Fuori call

The training of education's professionals between complexity and specificity in the era of educational emergencies. A laboratory experiment at the University

The paper intends to propose a reflection about the kind of university training to provide to educa-tion professionals, now more necessary than ever. This considering the social complexity that is…