Rapporti, riflessioni, presentazioni

The challenge for teachers: from traditional assessment to assessment for learning, between conceptions and good practices

The article presents the theoretical-conceptual framework of an empirical research. It aims to examine the conceptions…

The pedagogy and didactic of Ecomuseums to develop the educational ecosystem

The multi-perspective dimension of the ecological transition finds a pivotal point in education for the necessary…

Actions for the survey and the analysis of inclusive, agentive and participatory practices. The RiPIAC tool

The paper offers reflections on the survey and analysis of inclusive, agentive and participatory practices at school. In…

The Nicolaean paradigm, a metapedagogical tool for constructing the value process of western parenting

The relics of bishop Nicholas, transferred from Myra to Bari in 1087, brought with them a religious and, above all,…

Languish at a young age. The youthful condition between doomscrolling and detemporalization

Over the last decade, because of catastrophic events planetary and other circumscribed but that globalization makes…

The European Union and the Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

In 2001 the World Health Organisation adopted the International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health.…

Building one’s professional life project in high school with the E-Portfolio: between self-reflection and dialogue

The formulation of the professional life project makes a fundamental contribution to the formation of young people’s…

Digital environments and artistic-cultural heritage. For a sustainable education

In the wake of the Pedagogy of the Environment, which assumes sustainability as an interpretative-regulatory…

Educating as a social principle: inclusion, emotions and skills

The ability to project education and its nature seems to be more a fantasy game rather than a pedagogical necessity.…

Other words about migration: Global Education, border thinking and creative practices

In the context of Agenda 2030 and within the debate opened by intercultural and decolonial education studies, the…

Continuing Training in the Digital Era: Microlearning, Microcredentials, and Digital Badges - Challenges and Perspectives

The digital transition, accompanied by the growing demand for specific skills and flexible, personalised learning…

The “inclusive” ante litteram education model of Janusz Korczak

The contribution intends to focus attention on the inexhaustible wealth of pedagogical stimuli that have arisen from the…

The dialogicity of human thought as a constitutive element of the helping relationship

Caring and loving, in a dynamic of motivation and support aimed at the well-being of the person, are just some of the…

Educate to media: starting from childhood, between family and 0-6 educational services

Epochal change that we are going through sees, among other things, the progressive and widespread diffusion of digital…

Education and Natural Language Generation. The new communication of "knowledge"

Artificial intelligence (AI) is being touted as the future of humanity and often optimistically equated with a "new…

Embodied Cognition in learning STEM disciplines. An overview on the role of spatial skills

From early childhood, children begin to explore and interact with the physical environment, gradually improving their…

Art driving mediation. Gauguin to Banksy: a path of intercultural art teaching

Art education promotes, encourages and enhances the construction of knowledge based on senses, empathy, creativity,…

Through a Critical Exploration of the Definitions of Educational Poverty: Limits and Open Questions

Educational poverty is considered a multidimensional concept that goes beyond the mere lack of economic resources,…

Cultivating thinking in school. A “Rodarian” interpretation of community philosophical practice

This theoretical-conceptual paper aims to highlight the pedagogical potential of Matthew Lipman’s community…

NGEU and innovation in the Education and Training system. A comparative study

This paper intends to propose a critical-comparative reading of the main policy measures in the field of innovation in…

Scholastic corporeities: presence, educational relations and didactic processes

The dimensions of body and “presence” are decisive in the educational relation, both for students and teachers,…

Studi e contributi di ricerca

Humanoid Robots and the Future of Education: Pepper and NAO

Pepper and NAO are versatile and high-performance humanoid robots that prove to be ideal platforms for human-machine…

QToM. Construction and validation of a questionnaire for measuring skills related to the Theory of Mind

The theory of mind (ToM), which refers to the ability to attribute mental states such as beliefs, intentions, desires,…

About bullying and cyberbullying: an exploratory research at school

Although, on the one hand, advances in all fields of knowledge have improved people’s lives, however, the current era…

Inclusive teaching practices through the UDL lens. A Teacher Professional Development-Research in Lower Secondary School

The international debate on school inclusion outlines the UDL framework as a virtuous approach for the development of…

“Test your school text”. Two tools for an inclusive assessment of textbooks

Today, school books present many multimedia elements. Enhancing the effectiveness of an inclusive educational curriculum…

Descriptive evaluation elaboration: a training research experience in primary school

The adoption of the transition from grading to a descriptive evaluation in primary schools, introduced by Ministerial…

Teaching as a second career: factors of choice and professional challenges. Results from a systematic literature review

Typically, individuals enter the teaching profession after completing a well-established pathway of academic…

Technologies for sport: epistemological perspectives and educational practices

In recent years, the use of technologies in sport has become the main focus of continuous evolutions. In exercise and…

What professional competencies to operate in ECEC. Educators, teachers, and coordinator's perceptions in Lazio region

ECEC was instituted by Law n.65 of 2017 in Italy to respond to the European and National political and educational…

The effectiveness of Middle Management Coaching at school: results of the qualitative dimension of research

The paper presents the effectiveness of a coaching course carried out with sixteen teachers belonging to four schools in…

The territorial variable as a formative resource. Educational realities and motivational aspects

The contribution examines the experience received by university students with respect to the territory. Meetings have…

Exploring the Montessori method in university courses. Active teaching and experiential learning to rediscover the value of the educational relationship

The multimedia nature of today’s expressive contexts and communicative languages has changed learning environments and…

The child's ePortfolio. Systematic observation and documentation in a digital environment for educational guidance in early childhood

Pedagogical documentation can be a continuous research activity that commits the educator to eschew the usual and taken…

Towards the future: educating students to self-orientate, an experience of developing metacognitive processes

The contribution presents an experience conducted in a secondary school following a careful rereading of the Institute…

Promote engagement and motivation through digital formative feedback in Higher Education

Feedback is one of the most important factors in supporting study and promoting academic achievement. Engagement and…

When I teach - Analysis of contextual variables that influence teaching

As part of a project on teacher professionalism, When I Teach questionnaire has been validated, aimed at exploring…

Migration, society, and education: the case study of the former Officine Reggiane

This contribution explores the relationship between migration, marginalization, and educational planning within a…

Teachers as transformative agents and professional chameleons

Teachers play a key role in supporting equitable and quality education, as also advocated by the 2030 Agenda, leading to…

Science Communicators and Teachers: An Inquiry into the Communication of Science on Social Media

This contribution places within the historical nexus between popular scientists and educators in STEM disciplines. It…

"At the mercy of the waves". Communication of diagnosis and parental accompaniment: a survey

This paper aims to investigate, with the help of an exploratory survey, the gap that exists between the moment a…

Social inclusion and empowerment of the migrant population. The Listening, Orientation and Support Desk of Casa Sankara in Capitanata (Apulia - Italy)

The Listening, Orientation, and Support Desk is a socio-educational service aimed at promoting social inclusion and…

Context factors and professional practice: a qualitative survey of newly hired and senior primary school teachers

In the Italian National teacher Training Plan (MIUR, 2016) a profile based on three main competences emerges: teaching,…

Teacher leadership: impact of a professional development intervention on the perspectives, beliefs, and challenges of teachers in managerial roles

Teacher leadership plays a crucial role in encouraging active engagement of teachers in guiding and sharing…

Learning to teach LifeComp to cope with life challenges: a case study among university students

Skills enabling individuals to face life challenges are crucial in a rapidly changing world. The European Union promotes…

Easy-to-Read as tool to promote inclusive processes. An exploratory research

Among many rights the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN, 2006) also guarantees the right to…

Revealing and countering violence and Hate Speech. Analysis and pedagogical perspectives from a university experience

The paper presents a workshop experience conducted at the University and aimed at deepening the analysis and perception…

Augmentative and Alternative Communication in teacher training: results of an exploratory investigation

Several meta-analyses and systematic literature reviews conducted in recent decades have demonstrated the effectiveness…

Italians welcoming Ukrainians: meetings, relationships, misunderstandings and conflicts in housing and social integration services

The paper aims to offer a reflection on the theme of welcoming the Different (in this case, the Foreigner who flees from…

ECEC practice: designing inclusive environments in 0/6 services between spaces, times and routine

The development of educators' professional skills is nowadays fundamental for designing, implementing and evaluating…

School time as a means to support innovation processes. First results of a survey on the schools of the Avanguardie educative Movement

The school is made by a variety of times: the time of learning, the time of teaching, the time of the curriculum, the…

Assessing teacher beliefs about the value of digital technology in instruction: Initial evidence of factor structure and reliability of the TECNOVAL questionnaire

The paper presents the construction and psychometric property analysis of a questionnaire (TECNOVAL) developed to…

#Edusocialsalute: A Health Prevention Project on Instagram in Favour of Preadolescent Accounts and Bodies

The increase in social networking accounts among the young people of the Alpha generation draws the attention of…

Educational challenges in a highly multi-ethnic neighborhood. The case of stores as intercultural arenas

Drawing on studies in intercultural pedagogy, informal learning and the sociomaterial perspective, the paper presents…

Supporting the accessibility of educational services 0-6: good practices to promote educational continuity between school and family

This paper aims to provide a reflection on accessibility and continuity in education as key elements in supporting…

Olfactory LearNap: olfactory stimulation during learning and nap to strengthen memorization in early childhood

This pilot study investigates whether olfactory stimulation, proposed during both learning and naps for children aged…

Do you think we are playing? A literature review amidst a quagmire of definitions

This article presents a literature review, encompassing a scoping review, and a narrative review within the broader…

Heuristic Paths for Educational Work in Prison Libraries

The contribution aims to present the initial results of a study that sought to investigate the potential of prison…

Social and training needs for the emancipation of migrant women in Second Language courses

The article examines the specific social and training needs of migrant women from the content analysis of 60 interviews…

The Influence of media, emotions in the post-truth era: a Study on Civic Attitudes

Are information able, to influence and condition the attitude of partecipation and civintenship? Does a relationship…

The Sport Participation and Environment Measure (SPEM)

Sport activities are an important resource for promoting the education, well-being, and social inclusion of all…