Rapporti, riflessioni, presentazioni

The work pedagogist. Guidelines for the recognition of a new professional role

Law No. 55/2024, concerning the regulation of pedagogical and educational professions and the establishment of…

Les Quatre Cents Coups. Un film per riflettere (ancora) sulla relazione educativa

On 4 May 1959, Les Quatre Cents Coups, a movie directed by François Truffaut, was screened at the 12th Cannes Film…

Will micro-credentials and NOOCs counteract the demographic winter in universities?

With an ageing population and a shrinking cohort of university-age students, academic institutions are faced with the…

Promoting Problematizing Competence Through the 3RPlay System: The Case of the STEREO Project

Given the complex context within which they work, education professionals are no longer able to approach problems by…

Humans and Post-humans on the Web: educational scenarios in Digital Coexistence

The dynamics intertwining the human and post-human dimensions, which this study aims to explore as an educational…

Post-elementary education and social inclusion in Italy after Second World War: what kind of relationship?

During the last years and, specifically, the last months, public and (sometimes) academic debate has been focused again…

Promoting the mastery of the Italian language in a plurilingual and intercultural perspective: the Erasmus ALTA project

The University of Basilicata has just started the ALTA project - Allophone Teacher Academy - which is the winning…

The professional profile of the nursery educator and his training: state of the art, scenarios and challenges

First, the Author develops an excursus about the legislative evolution regarding nursery schools and children's services…

The freedom to experiment: the skills of the child and the guiding role of the adult in active outdoor play

Active outdoor play is vital for the healthy development and well-being of children. This study emphasises the…

Towards an Epistemology of social and human Sciences. Remarks on the Vygotsky’s methodological Thought

In the few years of his scientific work, Vygotskij outlined a theoretical synthesis capable of framing and linking the…

The relevance of the theory-practice nexus in the educational processes of Danilo Dolci

This year marks the centenary of the birth of Danilo Dolci, a prominent figure who offers a significant contribution to…

Childhood in the intercultural perspective of an integrated education system

In a society where the intercultural paradigm overwhelms the perspective of the multicultural one, there’s an…

Human rights on the move. The pedagogical legacy of Ettore Gelpi

In the modern global contest, the debate on human rights has emerged as a crucial issue requiring in-depth analysis and…

The Body of the Other in Intercultural Educational and Care Practices

In contemporary scientific literature, we find numerous studies on international migrations. Many of these studies focus…

Educating on the care and beauty of relationships. Critical paths from “1nessuno100Giga” project

The pilot project “Uno, nessuno, cento Giga” was launched in 2024 by the Region of Sicily, in partnership with the…

From special to universal: an experience of using multisensory environments in nursery school

In recent times, Snoezelen rooms and other multisensory and interactive environments are spreading not only in…

Unlocking Cognitive potential in and out of classroom. The use of the lesson planning of Reuven Feuerstein as answer to special needs

The metacognitive method, developed by Prof. Reuven Feuerstein, plays an important role in the acquisition of cognitive…

Initial and ongoing training in generational coexistence in the time of new virtual realities

This work aims to attract attention to the phenomenon of the current condition of generational coexistence within the…

Some critical reflections on the World Bank report “Achieving gender equality in education: examining progress and constraints” to promote democratic citizenship

Today’s sociocultural complexity urges pedagogical research to reflect on new educational and training needs to…

Art as intercultural education: a journey through history and struggles for social claims

Art as education, as a field of research and action, still struggles to claim its own specificity and equal importance…

From the Italian dispute over the school textbook to the legitimization of alternative adoption

In Italy, the Seventies were a decade of significant tensions accompanied by many changes in the educational field that…

The non-verbal communication of the teacher in the classroom

The work intends to contribute to promoting pedagogical research on the teacher's non-verbal communication during the…

An Integrated Approach against school dropout: prospective and project-based educational guidance

Educational guidance is pivotal for directing students' educational and professional choices and is essential in…

AI for Creative Skill Development: A State-of-the-Art Analysis on Current Theories and Approaches

Recent advances in the field of artificial intelligence and, in particular, the rapid and pervasive spread of generative…

Homework: a non-traditional factor of inequality? Implication for equity and educational co-responsibility

The practice of homework has long been internationally problematized because of its effects on social reproduction. By…

Connectivity Capability: for Artificial Intelligence to promote Flourishing Lives

Artificial intelligence (AI) bursts into history by innovating life like the great revolutions that preceded it…

Studi e contributi di ricerca

Italian Primary School Assessment: pupils’ perceptions through a mock test

Italian primary school assessment is under constant scrutiny, particularly with the Senate's approval of Bill 924-bis…

Certify key citizenship skills at the end of compulsory education. An empirical survey

The article concerns some results of an empirical investigation relating to practices and opinions of secondary school…

Peer Observation: AI-enhanced evaluation

Artificial intelligence (AI) is also revolutionizing the construction of assessment or observation rubrics. AI-generated…

Academic Challenges of Students with Specific Learning Disorder: Functional Profiles and Pedagogical-Didactic Implications

This research addresses a highly current topic in the field of Didactics and Special Pedagogy: the inclusion of students…

Gifted education in primary school. The training needs of teaching

In this contribution, a research path is proposed that is oriented toward the growing need for understanding at the…

Perception on artificial intelligence to support teaching: first results of an exploratory survey

International studies analyzing AI in its different contexts of application, not least the educational one, in which its…

Soft skills before, during and after the COVID pandemic

On the occasion of the launch of the "Research with School" platform, we conducted a validation check of the Soft Skills…

Educational 360-degree virtual tours: engaging students in a multidisciplinary workshop with a team-based approach to teaching and learning

The study is framed in a case-study qualitative approach with the aim to describe and analyse the multidisciplinary…

Ethics and Artificial Intelligence: A Qualitative Analysis with Future Early Childhood and Primary School Teachers

The current policies and guidelines of international organizations for Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) and…

Designing educational toys for children. Professional alliances between pedagogy and design

The paper is situated in the theoretical framework of practice-based studies by investigating the design and prototyping…

The construction of a leadership evaluation rubric for the Early Childhood Education Services Coordinator

The leadership of the Coordinator of early childhood educational centers is a key factor in ensuring the quality of the…

Reify Resilience through Artificial Intelligence: a Workshop Experience

The opportunity to develop resilience through generative AI represents an interesting and potentially promising…

The dialogue continues: Voices from the community

This paper is based on a qualitative study conducted through in-depth interviews with managers and referent persons of…

Possible educators. The future of a profession between utopia and dystopia

The hallmark of contemporaneity, according to many authors, can be considered acceleration and its deconstructing…

Prevent discrimination and gender violence through education. Analysis and proposal from the European project FREASCO - Free from sexism and sexual harassment at school

This article analyses the results of a comparative survey carried out within the European project FREASCO - Free from…

A new skill for civic education: financial literacy

Financial education has acquired a new identity within the Italian school system. With Article 21, Measures on Financial…

Enhancing information literacy skills among adolescents through video games. Analysis of relevant gaming proposals

The experience of the pandemic, the perception of uncertainty linked to wars and the role of the social web as a theater…

Cooperative Learning as a Methodology to improve Quality and Inclusivity in Education

Educational research at national and international levels highlights the need of schools to identify effective…

Become a teacher of support and prosocial behavior

What motivates an individual to dedicate themselves to the inclusion of pupils with disabilities? The answer may lie in…

From image to text. A Visual Literacy training course

Visual studies recognize the dialogue space between the verbal and the visual as a priority. To render ‘in words’…

Well-being at school: development and results of a participatory survey

This article presents the results of a questionnaire survey on the conditions of well-being and discomfort at school, in…

Videogames and Cultural Heritage. Understanding videogames at school through education and experience

The social divide represented by the period spanned by the Covid -19 pandemic has revealed a rather complex and…

The development of inclusive processes within educational settings. A research on the role of OEPAC

The creation of a network of supports for pupils with disabilities to be implemented as early as in early childhood…

NEET and Educational Poverty: Gamification as a tool for prevention and inclusion

Educational and teaching research shows how learning through digital is transforming the acquisition of knowledge and…

Autobiographical practices in the training of future teachers: a university experience

Teacher training represents an area of relevance within the pedagogical debate, which involves multiple interrelated…

Instagram e TikTok for the science communication. A collaboration with a university department and a content creator

The contribution analyzes a collaboration experience between a content creator for social networks and a scientific…

Classcraft in Initial Teacher Education: Potentials and Limitations for Developing Instructional Design Skills

This paper examines the use of Classcraft in educational planning with future primary school teachers, focusing on the…

Biopedagogy and Artificial Intelligence. New inclusive scenarios for precision pedagogy

The hypothesis is examined according to which the pedagogical interventions of the subjects, who find themselves in the…

From early school leavers to NEETs: a review of contrast policies in Campania

Low education and dropout rates are closely related to the phenomenon of NEETs, young people aged between 15 and 29 who…

Experimenting with co-teaching: collaborating to include

School should be an environment where every student has the opportunity to grow and reach their highest potential…

Playing in the classroom. Italian teachers' acceptance of Game-Based Learning: definition of the instrument and research outcomes

The growing awareness that games can be a very valuable learning environment has not been accompanied by an effective…

Designing a vertical curriculum for coding and robotics: the tree model

The article describes the project that Indire is conducting in collaboration with the Ufficio Scolastico Regionale…

Social Media Activism and Sustainability: Educating Young Digital Activists on Ecological Transition

The project ‘Social, Environmental Sustainability, Generation Z’ a result of collaboration between the Chair of…

Self-regulated learning, well-being, and dropout intention in a sample of university students: a cross-sectional study

University dropout is a widespread issue in our education system, with significant implications for both individuals and…

Learning in immersive environments: results of mixed-method research in university art laboratories

The use of Virtual Reality (VR) technologies in education represents a rapidly spreading field that offers, according to…

Public Speaking: a survey of communication skills awareness in future teachers

The Public Speaking method and its educational application in schools, has considerable potential, not yet fully…

Educational Goal Setting and Assessment: an inclusive approach

The article describes the process through which elementary school teachers in training on formative assessment have…

School Snapshots of the Future: Photos and Words about Teaching with Smartphones and Instagram in Generation Alpha Secondary Schools

Characterized by attributes such as digital, mobile, social, visual and global, Alpha students bring with them the…

Between presence lessons and E-learning platforms: reflecting on the role of technologies in Italian universities

The article aims to explore the role of technology in the tertiary education sector in Italy, focusing on the dynamics…

Active citizenship and digital competence: a survey on the awareness of teachers and future teachers about digital citizenship

The dissemination of information through the web and social networks has allows broad participation in knowledge but,…

Assessment conceptions: data and reflections from future teachers

Despite the evolution of docimological studies, the transition from a solely summative approach to its integration with…

Understanding Teacher Emotions Through Electrodermal Activity in Teaching: A Narrative Review

Research demonstrates that the emotional state of teachers significantly impacts both their occupational health and the…

Ethical illiteracy: reflecting on values starting from pre-school to counter it

This contribution describes the phenomenon of ethical illiteracy, a still poorly explored construct, concerning the…

The use of digital dilemmas to promote digital citizenship education

This study is based on the current and renewed academic interest, as well as the growing body of research, regarding the…

The languages of virtualescent generation: violent videogames, aggressive- bullying behaviours and peer-deviant group aggregation

The research seeks to explore the relationship between violent videogames, aggressive- bullying behaviours and…

Gender Stereotypes and Prejudices: An Analysis on the Representation of High School Teachers

Gender stereotypes exert a profound influence on social interactions, contributing to the phenomenon of gender…

Classcraft® and Game-Based Learning: effective gamification approaches for engaging learning. A case study

Game Based Learning is an educational approach that differs from traditional didactics in its use of playful elements,…

Augmented Reading student workshops: the support of generative Artificial Intelligence

In this paper, Augmented Reading, a practice of actions to increase pleasure and interest in narrative texts, is…