Rapporti, riflessioni, presentazioni

Alternation school-work: a strategic perspective for the italian education and training system

L’orientamento tradizionale non rappresenta più lo strumento idoneo a gestire la transizione “sempre più…

Unemployment and drop-out

La dispersione scolastica e lo skills mismatch tra competenze richieste e disponibili, nonostante la diminuzione degli…

Studi e contributi di ricerca

Permitting organ donation: brain death criterion as the "point of no return" in the process of dying

After considering authors who criticize the brain death criterion (Singer, Defanti and Shewmon), we will conclude that…

Communication as a Tool of Empowerment and the Value of Human and Professional Relationships

In creating an effective and positive work environment in which prospects for organizational well-being are sought, the…

Teachers' digital behaviour and self-efficacy on digital skills: the outcomes of an empirical study

The research is of an exploratory nature and constitutes an initial study phase describing the digital habits and…
