“After her”. Young adults with impairment between disabling processes and educational poverty


Even people with developmental, learning and adaptation difficulties must be considered protagonists of their own growth (MPI, 1975). This statement by the Falcucci Commission is a cornerstone of the path that has led Italy towards inclusion. In fact, although there are still pull and push out phenomena (Demo, 2015), the presence of pupils with disabilities in common school is unavoidable. On the other hand, the condition of people with impairment (especially intellectual one) at the end of the upper secondary school is quite different. We often see various forms of social exclusion, ranging from home isolation to institutionalization in other places (Bocci & Guerini, 2017; Guerini, 2020a). We are therefore in the presence of a real disabling processes (Monceri, 2017; Guerini, 2018) of young adults with atypical functioning (to use words from the ICF) which generates situations of poorly visible educational poverty. In this paper - the title of which provocatively recalls Law 112/2016 (on after us) - we propose a reflection on this dimension of educational poverty still little investigated, introducing some elements of analysis that we hope will open a debate in this direction.