An Integrated Approach against school dropout: prospective and project-based educational guidance


Educational guidance is pivotal for directing students' educational and professional choices and is essential in preventing school dropout. Beginning with a theoretical examination of the theories, methods, and tools of guidance, the contribution proposes a prospective and projective vision (De Pieri, 2015; Crea, 2019) as a resource to create models that promote the integral development of students, capable of planning pathways that place the individual at the center of the process. Experiences, the context of belonging, and personal resources become vectors for autonomous management of anticipation and the direction of educational and professional choices. If to guide is to educate (De Pieri, 2012), the intent is to foster a psychopedagogical approach that diverges from more traditional and directive models, to assist individuals in achieving significant developmental milestones and responding to their personal quest for meaning.