Autobiographical practices in the training of future teachers: a university experience


Teacher training represents an area of relevance within the pedagogical debate, which involves multiple interrelated aspects. Beyond the acquisition of didactic-methodological skills, the teacher is a professional who must acquire the mental habitus of self-reflexivity and self-awareness (Baldacci, 2014; 2020). For this reason, it is essential that the teacher knows how to read and read himself through his own story, identifying his own strengths and your areas for improvement (Demetrio, 2003, 2004, 2012). According to this theoretical framework, this paper intends to present the results of an autobiographical practice carried out in the university context, with a group of female students attending the first year of the degree course in Primary Education Sciences. The results obtained, detected through a specific questionnaire, highlight the potential inherent in such practices in promoting the students' reflexivity, according to a self-transformative perspective.