Childhood in the intercultural perspective of an integrated education system


In a society where the intercultural paradigm overwhelms the perspective of the multicultural one, there’s an incessant demand for the education of childhood that enables co-existence with an ontological otherness that is essential to the being and becoming of oneself. Inhabiting contemporaneity implies the implementation of educational processes useful for the development of planetary culture, consciousness and awareness for respectful and mutually enriching encounters (Agostinetto, 2021). These are training paths aimed at a citizenship education consistent with the specificities of society and of each one, for a re-evaluation of the kaleidoscope of differences that makes the world necessarily various. The integrated education system (Frabboni, 2012) should offer childhood broad educational itineraries to deal with today's complexity (Morin, 1994), which is as tangible as it is disorienting.