Connectivity Capability: for Artificial Intelligence to promote Flourishing Lives


Artificial intelligence (AI) bursts into history by innovating life like the great revolutions that preceded it (invention of writing, printing and the internet). It is necessary to enrich the perspective of capabilities proposed by Nussbaum (Alessandrini, 2014) by introducing the connective dimension (Ghedin, 2021) which allows those with the task of educating to be able to generate enabling connections in order to give birth to projects of flourishing lives. What role does pedagogy have within the debate on AI? Moving from Connecting Capabilities to the Connectivity Capability approach: no longer the need to keep different capabilities together, but rather the formulation of a connectivity capability to allow promoting connections between different contexts of life (including real-virtual). Capacity necessary to operationalize Goal 4 "Provide quality, equitable and inclusive education and learning opportunities for all" (Agenda 2030).