Descriptive evaluation elaboration: a training research experience in primary school


The adoption of the transition from grading to a descriptive evaluation in primary schools, introduced by Ministerial Order 172 of 2020, represents a significant opportunity (Piscozzo & Stefanel, 2022) for teachers to reshape their assessment methods. The evaluation model proposed by current regulations aligns with the perspective of assessment for learning (Scierri, 2023), which is formative in nature (Nigris & Agrusti, 2021) and requires active participation and healthy involvement of students in self-assessment and assessment processes (Baldassarre, 2022). This contribution aims to present a research-training conducted during the academic year 2021-2022 at a primary school in the province of Bari. The research aims to describe the various phases involved in developing a detailed descriptive assessment for each subject, following the A/3 Guidelines. The research-training journey was organized through theoretical, practical, and operational sessions.