Designing MOOCs for Creative Industries professionals. The E+ DigiCulture project experience

The paper aims at illustrating the theoretical framework that has been used within the DigiCulture project (Erasmus+ KA204) to design, realize and evaluate the Digital Skills and Social Inclusion for Creative Industries MOOC Courses. Based on the data obtained from empirical research activities and pilot phase carried out during the project, the digital competences most required by the Creative Industries (CI) sector are defined and the skills and tools needed to promote these digital competences among CI employees through e-learning activities are identified. The “Guidelines for Digital Competences for Creative Industries” document, here summarized, provides important indications for educators and trainers who will want to define, implement, and evaluate online learning pathways focused on promoting digital competences and addressed to CI employees. Moreover, the paper presents some results from the pilot phase of one of the MOOCs implemented within the project, in order to highlight its characteristics in terms of educational design.