Develop non-cognitive skills through a virtual confrontation experience between pupils of two schools of Taranto city in times of pandemic

The recognition and enhancement of the human represent the core of the social contract to which the Unesco report “Reimagining our Futures together: A new social Contract for Education” refers. The school of today, therefore, is called to realize what is foreseen in the report through new pedagogical-didactic experiments with the aim of promoting the evolution of the human being in all its forms, through the development of personality traits that are not predetermined, but largely flexible and influenced by the educational intervention […] whose importance was unequivocally shown in the distance lessons during the pandemic crisis caused by Covid-19 (Chiosso et. al., 2021, pp. 13-14). It is known that the interaction that explores the dimension of interactivity and virtual exchange between pupils can facilitate the development of non-cognitive skills (Zhang, 2016) which can prove useful for subjects to better integrate into society and contribute to its development (Liesa-Orús et al., 2020). The contribution aims to investigate which non-cognitive skills have been able to develop subjects with different cultures, belonging to some classes of two schools in the Taranto city, through a training experience of virtual confrontation in times of pandemic that used a case study to describe the methods of interaction and virtual collaboration and highlight the social impact it has produced.

Giuseppe Liverano

  • Ricercatore
  • Università degli Studi di Bari

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