Distance school: physical or social?


The paper intends to highlight the issues concerning educational poverty at the time of Covid-19 and how the inequalities that are encountered in the school environment in contexts of educational normality have become acute and / or have acquired new forms in the phases I and II. The changes in the school environment related to the 2020/2021 School Plan to counter the pandemic through physical allocation actions will also be explored. The authors' goal is therefore to bring out the linguistic ambivalence with which the term social distancing is used in today's context rather than physical distancing.

Beba Molinari, Cleto Corposanto

  • Beba Molinari è professore a contratto; Cleto Corposanto è professore ordinario di Sociologia genereale.
  • Università Magna Graecia di Catanzaro
  • Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza, Economia e Sociologia
