Education and training systems vs undeclared work and shadow economy, challenge accepted


Deciding to work illegally today, regardless of whether it's the only choice or a personal choice, it means condemn oneself and become trapped in an enclosed scheme, which hinders progress and personal development. But the black economy has a strong impact on the lives of others: the community and the State in fact are suffering the effects of the shadow economy and undeclared work, which slow the development and economic growth. The shadow economy and the undeclared work touch the economic relations in production systems and the balance between demand and supply of labor. In this way there is a disadvantage both from the side of the workers, who are then forced to give up the rights, protections and income, and the companies, because they must face up a type of unfair competition that primes a series of chain reactions and producing social dumping and threatens the sustainability of national financial systems. Instead the development of culture of legality and knowledge and personal skills could save us from the abyss of the shadow economy. Indeed a well-trained and aware citizen of its own shares represents the true potential of a nation as well as the opportunity for himself to have a chance to join into the regular market.