Educational measures in multi-grade classroom. Curricular forms and didactic strategies in small Italian schools


In this paper, after analyzing through the international literature the curricular, didactic, and organizational forms that can be adopted in a multi-class, we propose an insight based on interpretative approaches of the situations observed in the classes adhering to the Movimento Nazionale delle Piccole Scuole. Such an analysis is rooted in the video documentation produced by observing different types of multi-classes in primary schools: extreme (I-V), unique (I-II-III-IV-V) and contiguous (IV- V). Each educational context is described and analyzed using some “Practical Tips for Teaching Multigrade” as categories: the organization of the class group, the preparation of spaces and times for learning, the methods of feedback and evaluation that allow students who are younger and present different levels of ability to learn from the older ones, the relationship with the territory and the use of digital technologies.