Educational opportunities and rights in time of pandemic


The covid-19 health emergency, with the containment and isolation measures adopted, has produced new ways of remote relationships, experienced by people in private and professional contexts through the use of digital platforms. Platforms have become the new virtual meeting, aggregation and learning place for people of all ages, with objective difficulties due to a lack of technological skills and network access possibilities. While this widens the gap between generations, it also creates a socio-cultural divide that tends to exclude those who do not have tools, resources and competences. Hence the need to identify new educational practices and inclusive teaching strategies that allow us not to leave anyone behind, in order to hinder new forms of marginalization in educational, professional and social contexts. This will be the challenge of the coming years, which will commit individual States and European policies, to citizenship made up of rights and opportunities, to education and training in the first place, in spaces and times expanded according to the needs of everyone and everyone.