Educational planning in nursery schools, at the time of Covid


Aim of the paper is to offer a reflection on emergency educational planning, analyzing the project documentation developed by the nursery and preschools of Rome in the first period of the health emergency of Covid-19 pandemic. In particular, the paper presents the results of the first phase of analysis of over 430 distance learning projects carried out in the Educational Services of Roma Capitale, between March and July 2020, collected by the Department of Educational and School Services of Roma Capitale. The data collected show the ways in which the services have managed to rethink, with different strategies and tools, the relationships with girls, boys and their families and educational activities, ensuring the continuity of relationships and learning processes.

Guido Benvenuto, Patrizia Sposetti, Giordana Szpunar, Manuela Montebello, Giulia Vincenti

  • Guido Benvenuto è professore Ordinario; Patrizia Sposetti e Giordana Szpunar sono professori associati; Manuela Montebello è cultrice della materia; Giulia Vincenti è neolaureata
  • Università La Sapienza di Roma
