Embodied Cognitive Science and Initial Teacher Education: Possibilities and Perspectives


Initial teacher training is a fundamental moment in the construction of a ‘great professional and scientific alliance’ between school and university (Bertagna, 2021). If the school represents the place of choice for the activation of transformative processes and models for our country (PNRR Istruzione, 2021) by providing the tools for the acquisition of the skills needed to meet the challenges of the future (Capobianco, 2022), it is primarily necessary to reflect on what skills are needed by the teacher ‘of the present’. The present contribution intends to promote an in-depth reflection with respect to the training of the teacher ‘person’, proposing an approach based on the Embodied Cognition perspective (Damiani et Al., 2024) outlining its main theoretical constructs and implications in training processes, starting from the analysis of a training experience of newly-hired teaching staff carried out at the Ambito Territoriale of Bologna.