Digital culture transforms citizens into people who are aware of digital
phenomena and dynamics wich have changed, and will change more and more,
processes, habits, lifestyles. What is the role of the Public Administration
and School in accompanying young people and adults to this new journey? How to
support digital awareness diffusion necessary to govern the change? Which is
the way to create networks of people able to sustain and improve themselves
through experiences and good practices exchange? How to connect networks so
that they can build a new "ecosystem" in which are protagonists
openness, comparison, creativity and sharing? The experience of the Umbria
Region that is giving life to physical spaces for digital facilitation,
DigiPASS and innovation laboratories, Living Lab, where to cultivate digital
Informatica, formatrice, giornalista pubblicista, lavora presso ARPAL Umbria e collabora con Regione Umbria per i progetti DigiPASS, piattaforma Open Data Linked Umbria e Rete Animatori Digitali Umbria.