Evaluation of education well-being: analysis of some tools


The promotion of learning and education well-being are two closely related factors; several studies have shown that students who experience greater emotional well-being are more likely to achieve scholastic success; conversely, those who experience greater emotional difficulties are likely to have high levels of anxiety and are more likely to experience failures during their educational process (De Francesco, Donolato, Tucci, Mammarella, 2020; Di Pietro, 2016). The aim of the essay is to analyse some tools for evaluating anxiety, well-being and emotions, which can help teachers adopt more effective teaching actions and propose targeted educational interventions in order to prevent various forms of distress also related to the evaluation moment (Briesch, Sanetti e Biesch, 2010; Di Pietro, 2016; Vio, Toso e Spagnoletti, 2015).

Stefania Nirchi

  • Professore associato
  • Università degli Studi di Roma Tre

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