Experimenting with an inclusive codex in a section-group of a kindergarten through an experience of Therapeutic Filmmaking: analysis of a good practice


In a formal school inclusion project, the curriculum made up of the quality of human relationships, of suitable environments, of particular methodological choices, of contents, of strategies for the development of inclusive skills (Perla, 2013), is a fundamental assumption for activation of this process. The Individualized Education Plan, as a tool to support the curriculum, if used in an experimental and inclusive way, for the individual pupil, can represent a fundamental resource to make this process potentially infinite and to stimulate a transformative dimension of a plurality of subjects within of a school context. It becomes an intentional educational proposal that can support an idea of ​​inclusion understood not as a starting point, but as a "cultural object" (Damiano, 2004), which values ​​diversity, welcomes the needs coming from subjects with different cultures, protects the different rights, promotes an inclusive style for all. The contribution aims to analyze a good practice that made use of an experience of Therapeutic Filmakking (Saladino, Sabatino, Sola, 2021) with a pupil with autism spectrum disorder to convey inclusive codex, activate systemic-relational inclusion processes and promoting learning in a section-group of a kindergarten.

Giuseppe Liverano

  • Ricercatore
  • Università degli Studi di Bari

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