Exploring the learning potential of collaborative writing with a music-supported app in a comprehensive school of Taranto city

The Information and Communication Technologies, in today's school, represent useful tools to mediate and support students in a systemic-relational learning process and in activities of shared and participatory construction of new knowledge (Van Leeuwen & Janssen 2019; Torri, 2020). However, when used in a deviant way they can be a source of stress. In order to test whether technology can also be a source of well-being and the development of social skills, a formative experience of collaborative writing with an app and listening to music was carried out in a third class of a comprehensive institute of Taranto city. The aim of the intervention was to help pupils rediscover the hybrid space (physical/digital/social space) of learning as a motivating environment in which emotional serenity is produced and life skills are developed, through the integrated and sustainable use of the device, the writing app and the music, which, in this case were proposed as mediators with which the students had to relate to encourage the creation of a cognitive artefact through a trialogical approach to learning (Cesareni et al., 2018).

Giuseppe Liverano

  • Ricercatore
  • Università degli Studi di Bari

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