From “expert” to “incentivized”: new scenarios for teaching professionalism?

The topic of teaching professionalism has long been at the centre of the educational and training agendas of the various countries. How such expertise is recognised, supported, and promoted depends on the political, economic, and cultural background of each of them. The debate on the “expert teacher” has recently been re-opened in Italy, but the conversion into law of decree no. 36/22, which had envisaged the possibility for teachers to access some form of rewards and career progression, abolished this status replacing it with that of “permanently incentivized teacher”. The lexical issue, however, diverts attention from the priority that should be pursued, that of targeting teacher expertise for quality improvement. Training also based on Educational Neuroscience (Dekker et al., 2012; Dweck, 2015; Feiler & Stabio, 2018) and Minimalist Approach (Musiowsky-Borneman & Arnold, 2021) could be a possible way forward.