From image to text. A Visual Literacy training course


Visual studies recognize the dialogue space between the verbal and the visual as a priority. To render ‘in words’ the figures represented within a text, regardless of its physical or digital support, presupposes an operation of continuous contamination between verbal and visual that lies at the basis of Visual Literacy. In this sense, Visual Literacy can represent a process of meaning generation in transaction with multimodal sets that include written text, images and design elements. With reference to this verbal-visual approach, we would like to present an exploratory case study, started from the results emerging from previous research, in the context of university teaching. The objective is to investigate the generative process underlying the verbal description of a visual artefact. A specific reference is to the elements of the verbo-visual narrativity, understood as an act of configuring meaning that develops through a variable concatenation of actions and reactions for the achievement and construction of values, manifested by different forms of expression.