Gender-based violence in the digital environment. Aspects and consequences of a social and educational emergency


The paper aims to develop a reflection on new forms of cyberviolence against women and girls (Cyber-VAWG). Indeed, often the Internet, mobile information and communication technologies (ICTs) and above all social media are used as tools to inflict damage on women and girls. This is a global phenomenon that affects millions of women, especially young women: a social emergency with serious consequences for the victims but also for their family and social contexts. How the UN - Broadband Commission for Digital Development says in the recent report, “Cyber-VAWG is emerging as a global problem with serious implications for societies and economies around the world” (UN BCDD, 2015, 1). An emergency that must be understood in its cultural, social and relational dynamics and that in order to be stopped and prevented it needs answers and interventions on the educational level. The goal today must be to spread a culture of respect and human dignity inside and outside the Web. In fact, for millions of women the Web must be and become more and more an environment of emancipation and of socio-relational opportunities and not of violence and abuse.