Global citizenship in the time of Covid-19: recognizing the common destiny in the fragility of the pandemic


Covid-19 pandemic has hit all regions of the world hard. Despite efforts to contain the virus, no nation has managed to escape the infections and each person has been able to experience that the destiny of all men is united. The health emergency is teaching us that we are citizens of the same planet and that there is a real interdependence both between living beings and between living beings and the ecosystem: a new concept of citizenship is being developed with increasing strength, as the belonging of all individuals to a common earthly homeland and, therefore, to a common destiny. Starting from the thought of some intellectuals (Morin, Gelpi, Langer, etc.) who, some time ago, understood the importance of looking for a “homeland without borders”, we want to propose education for global citizenship as an emerging issue from which to start for the education of the younger generations, during and after the pandemic.