In the current geo-political scenario, at national and international level, germs of violence, conflict and prevarication creep into the micro and macro cosmos of relationships. In this general climate of fear and mistrust, it is urgent to return to talking about hospitality and hospitality so that the construction of fraternal relations of peace is not only an unattainable chimera but a new horizon of meaning and action for everyone. The contribution we intend to give through this paper is placed in the flow of ethical reflection and philosophical proposing to reread the ethics "as hospitality" and the only way of humanization. The ethical question is dealt with starting from the anthropological question, drawing from the foundations of Aristotelian reflection, and from the richness of Lévinas and Derrida's thought on the ethics of the face and on hospitality as a practical expression of welcome of the face. The work focuses on the forms and languages of hospitality, with particular attention to the positive value that a blessing language takes in all aspects and areas of life, as a concrete expression of the awareness of having been welcomed for first and experience of gratitude that teaches gratuity.