Inside and outside the school building. Questions and suggestions on school and inclusion in the (post) pandemic era


This paper represents a reflection on the critical issues that the Italian school has faced during the pandemic, in order to identify an inclusive educational culture. Starting from some national in progress researches (SIRD; Agnelli Foundation, University of Bolzano, LUMSA University & University of Trento; Research Laboratory for the Development of Scholastic and Social Inclusion; Roma TrE – Education Foundation & National IRASE; Indire), the authors focus the attention on some sustainable pedagogical models and good practices which have been developed during the health emergency. The goal is to underline the need (still existing in Italy) to problematize the idea of inclusion. In other words, the authors believe that inclusion shall be translated with daily practice in order to start inclusive processes – that are such precisely because of the values of collaboration and prosociality which refer to – rather than consider just what legislation declares.

Carla Gueli, Ines Guerini, Alessia Travaglini

  • Carla Gueli è Dottore di ricerca; Ines Guerini è assegnista di ricerca; Alessia Travaglini è Dottore di ricerca
  • Dip. di Scienze della Formazione
  • Università degli Studi di Roma Tre
