Integrating students from migrant background. A pedagogical interpretation of European school policies


The policies of educational systems, as the driving force behind indications, real measures and concrete practices, are the space by means of school integration can be investigated, though it is not the only one. In this sense, it seems interesting to refer to international policies in the field of school integration of students with migrant background, in order to develop a broad and complex look, which  is able to refer to a plurality of aspects that problematize the pedagogical reflection on the issue of school inclusion, access to the educational system and the effective use of pedagogical-didactic proposals. To this end, this contribution is developed starting from the concept of integration, and then it deepens some international policies taking as reference the Eurydice study entitled "Integrating Students from Migrant Backgrounds into Schools in Europe: National Policies and Measures", published at the end of 2019, which collects the policies and programs coping with the school integration matter adopted by the member countries of the network.