Kamishibai in the classroom – an inclusive and sustainable approach

Agenda 2030 sets out goals that refer directly to the world of education: "Providing quality, equitable and inclusive education and learning opportunities for all" (ONU, 2015, p. 14). The need for equitable and inclusive education is, in fact, a fundamental prerequisite for the improvement of people life quality and the achievement of real sustainable development, as well as global citizenship. In this contribution proposal we aim to analyze an inclusive educational experience focused on the methodology of storytelling using kamishibai which involves the manipulation of written, oral and visual codes and formats (Petrucco, 2009). This educational experience enabled all pupils and particularly those with special educational needs to participate in all the planned activities using different strategies as stated in the National Directions (2012), which require a school that is open to a culture of inclusion and that promotes equal opportunities for all pupils.