Leadership and Soft Skills of a probationary tutor


The leadership style and soft skills of the tutor represent a determining factor during the induction phase of newly hired teachers. The exercise of good leadership allows the tutor to implement actions that combine the ability to meet the formative, methodological, communicative, and environmental adaptation needs of the newly hired teacher with the ability to act consciously and reflectively, representing the school institution (Fiorucci & Moretti, 2022). Based on these premises, this contribution aims to illustrate the results obtained from 4 Focus Group sessions held with 37 secondary school teacher tutors. The goal was to explore the leadership styles exercised by each tutor, as well as their relational, organizational, and management soft skills. The reflections emerging from the Focus Groups will be used to design activities aimed at developing a distributed leadership among tutors, in order to enable newly hired teachers to complete their probationary year in a learning environment that encourages them to develop effective teaching practices and successfully integrate into the school community.