Le nuove frontiere per la progettazione e la didattica inclusive. Riflessioni epistemologiche, ricerche empiriche ed esperienze sui disturbi e sulle difficoltà di apprendimento e di comportamento

All’interno del più ampio dibattito pedagogico e scientifico, è forte la necessità di documentare e valorizzare l’importanza della progettazione della didattica e della valutazione inclusive per tutti gli allievi e gli studenti della classe e, in particolare, per coloro i quali presentano…


Assessment for learning in "Differentiated Instruction” Authentic educational constructs and processes of inclusive protagonism

Formative assessment (assessment for learning) plays a significant role not only in understanding what students know (outcomes), but also in determining the best conditions for the expression of talents and, inclusively, in responding to personal needs in order to achieve authentic and meaningful…


The tutor as a mediator in mixed study groups in academic settings to promote inclusive learning environments

The constant increase in students with disabilities and Specific Learning Disorders within Italian universities has contributed to the implementation of dedicated Tutoring Services and the establishment of specific actions, including peer tutoring, which plays a pivotal role in mediating the…


The 10 commandments of neurodiversity pedagogy: ethical principles, strategies and suggestions for teachers to promote the coexistence of differences in educational contexts

Neurodiversity pedagogy recognizes and enhances, on an educational level and from an inclusive perspective, individuals' different cognitive, emotional, and behavioral functioning modes, considering neurodiversity as a natural manifestation of human biodiversity. The general purpose of the…


Attitudine musicale e bisogni educativi speciali nella scuola dell’infanzia inclusiva. Dati da una ricerca nazionale

In Italian preschools, children with special educational needs are constantly increasing. If appropriate educational activities aren't proposed, children will not acquire the prerequisites that are essential to face successfully the teaching of reading and writing in elementary school. Currently,…


An effective and inclusive curriculum for teaching history and geography to pupils with dyslexia

There is a international understanding that pupils with SLD, specifically with dyslexia, need effective teaching, not special/separate teaching, evidence informed. Given the text comprehension difficulties of Italian students, based on the Evidence Based Education (EBE) approach, the article…


Foreign language teaching in students with ASD: a research in the context of secondary school I and II grade

Numerous studies published in the scientific literature, conducted in recent decades, have highlighted the difficulties in teaching and learning foreign languages, in pupils with Specific Learning Disorders (SLD). However, the provision of environments in which there is an active role of pupils with…


School and Foster Educational Communities: networking and educational planning for the inclusion of out-of-family children

In the school, teachers are now familiar with the Ministerial Directive of December 27, 2012, which provides those who have a certification for DSA but also those who have school difficulties with access to a Personalized Learning Plan (PDP). However, there seems to be little knowledge in the school…


Inclusive teaching practices and assessment methods for students with Specific Learning Disorders: a survey with primary school teachers

The implementing decree of Law 170 /2010 gives the national education system the task of drawing up Personalised Learning Plans (PDP), identifying appropriate educational and teaching strategies and assessment methods for students with Specific Learning Disorders, to ensure educational success and…


Research on inclusive teaching as a bridge between theory and practice: an exploratory survey of support teachers in training at the University of Foggia

This paper explores the fundamental contribution of scientific research in improving and informing instructional practice, with a focus on its application in heterogeneous classrooms. Through a critical review of the existing literature, the paper highlights how scientific research provides…


The Voice of Students with Specific Learning Disabilities in Two Italian Universities: Results of an Exploratory Study

Following the enactment of Law 170/2010, Italian universities have witnessed a substantial increase in the number of students with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLDs). This exploratory study employed a mixed-methods approach to assess the use and perceived effectiveness of various educational…


Identify the Educational design to Promote the inclusion of students with learning disabilities: The Teachers' point of view

In recent years the school has been called to review the teaching strategies and methodologies used up to that point to respond to the educational needs of pupils with dyslexia, dyscalculia, and dysorthography. The Law n. 170 of 2010 and the related guidelines have provided teachers with a series of…


The interactive and digital box for study management: an innovative and inclusive teaching tool for students with Special Educational Needs

Knowing how to manage one's own study and the ability to acquire an effective study method are the basis for achieving educational success for each student, in particular for students with Special Educational Needs. The role of the teacher becomes fundamental in developing methodologies and tools…


Inclusion and Accessibility: An exploratory investigation of support service for students with disabilities and SLD in arts higher education in Italy

Support services for students with disabilities and specific learning disorders (SLD) refer to the services offered by higher education institutions to promote students’ inclusion and integration in academic life. Despite extensive studies on inclusion and accessibility, the knowledge of support…


Study skills, cognitive styles and emotional-motivational components of learning for inclusive programming: evaluations from the administration of AMOS test

The article illustrates an experience exploring students' study skills, cognitive styles and emotional aspects in a classroom with Specific Learning Disorders (SLDs) to raise awareness and identify strategies to improve their learning process. The methodological approach combines quantitative and…


La narrazione autobiografica dei docenti del passato: un’analisi di “Ritratti di Maestri. Suggestioni pedagogiche sulla professione docente” di Giorgio Crescenza, 2024 Edizioni Conoscenza

Al dibattito sulla professionalità docente contribuiscono le dieci storie di vita di maestri di un recente passato che, nel testo di Giorgio Crescenza, con un saggio introduttivo di Massimiliano Fiorucci, ripercorrono l’appassionante avventura dell’insegnamento attraverso la trama del racconto…


The challenge for teachers: from traditional assessment to assessment for learning, between conceptions and good practices

The article presents the theoretical-conceptual framework of an empirical research. It aims to examine the conceptions that a non-probabilistic sample of future teachers, in training, have about assessment: for example, the assessment of the learning product with reporting purposes is considered…


Building one’s professional life project in high school with the E-Portfolio: between self-reflection and dialogue

The formulation of the professional life project makes a fundamental contribution to the formation of young people’s identity, since it implies a constant confrontation between the realism of the world of work and the image that young people have of themselves. The most recent Guidelines for…


Embodied Cognition in learning STEM disciplines. An overview on the role of spatial skills

From early childhood, children begin to explore and interact with the physical environment, gradually improving their spatial skills. Understanding how this process occurs is essential for teachers because they can effectively support the development of these skills in the educational context.…


Inclusive teaching practices through the UDL lens. A Teacher Professional Development-Research in Lower Secondary School

The international debate on school inclusion outlines the UDL framework as a virtuous approach for the development of teaching practices able to promote both the academic success of everyone and the participation of each in the construction of a new educational culture, which is oriented towards…


What professional competencies to operate in ECEC. Educators, teachers, and coordinator's perceptions in Lazio region

ECEC was instituted by Law n.65 of 2017 in Italy to respond to the European and National political and educational debate. This step marks a crucial moment for the early and secondary childhood education sector and for the definition of specific training paths for education professionals. One of the…


Exploring the Montessori method in university courses. Active teaching and experiential learning to rediscover the value of the educational relationship

The multimedia nature of today’s expressive contexts and communicative languages has changed learning environments and youth training needs, dematerializing relational experiences. In May 2023, two professors from the SFBCT Department of the University of Macerata offered, to their students, a…


The child's ePortfolio. Systematic observation and documentation in a digital environment for educational guidance in early childhood

Pedagogical documentation can be a continuous research activity that commits the educator to eschew the usual and taken for granted practices (Wien, 2011), directing him/her towards the path of listening and observation to collect data that testify to the children's progress so as to make their…


Social inclusion and empowerment of the migrant population. The Listening, Orientation and Support Desk of Casa Sankara in Capitanata (Apulia - Italy)

The Listening, Orientation, and Support Desk is a socio-educational service aimed at promoting social inclusion and employment integration for Sub-Saharan migrants hosted at Casa Sankara. Casa Sankara is established in the Foggia region ten years ago, initiated by a small group of African migrants,…


Context factors and professional practice: a qualitative survey of newly hired and senior primary school teachers

In the Italian National teacher Training Plan (MIUR, 2016) a profile based on three main competences emerges: teaching, organization, and professionalism; acquired via individual and context level interventions. The latter has an impact on the didactic aspects in order to realize effective,…


Teacher leadership: impact of a professional development intervention on the perspectives, beliefs, and challenges of teachers in managerial roles

Teacher leadership plays a crucial role in encouraging active engagement of teachers in guiding and sharing responsibilities, not only enhancing organizational effectiveness but also significantly shaping their professional growth. This paper aims to explore teachers' perception of obstacles,…


Augmentative and Alternative Communication in teacher training: results of an exploratory investigation

Several meta-analyses and systematic literature reviews conducted in recent decades have demonstrated the effectiveness of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) in acquiring communicative, linguistic and relational skills in students with complex communication needs (CCN), including those…


School time as a means to support innovation processes. First results of a survey on the schools of the Avanguardie educative Movement

The school is made by a variety of times: the time of learning, the time of teaching, the time of the curriculum, the authentic time of learning, the times of differentiated teaching, but also the time of the school calendar and the canonical time of the minutes allotted to the class hour. Time can…


Assessing teacher beliefs about the value of digital technology in instruction: Initial evidence of factor structure and reliability of the TECNOVAL questionnaire

The paper presents the construction and psychometric property analysis of a questionnaire (TECNOVAL) developed to investigate in-service teachers’ beliefs about the value of digital technology in instruction. The study examined the instrument’s data properties, factor structure, and reliability…


Supporting the accessibility of educational services 0-6: good practices to promote educational continuity between school and family

This paper aims to provide a reflection on accessibility and continuity in education as key elements in supporting Integrated System implementation processes, leveraging the support of interprofessional pathways and fostering family participation. International research, reports and national laws…


Olfactory LearNap: olfactory stimulation during learning and nap to strengthen memorization in early childhood

This pilot study investigates whether olfactory stimulation, proposed during both learning and naps for children aged 2-3 years, can impact the consolidation of a mnemonic trace. Research demonstrates how sleep plays a central role in this process, and, in early childhood, promotes brain…


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