Rapporti, riflessioni, presentazioni

Giftedness and digital revolution

The relationship between giftedness and the digital revolution deserves particular attention as regards the emotional experience of gifted children and young people. They are dependent on the emotional context, they don’t know how to act without allowing themselves to be permeated by the affective…


New pedagogical perspectives to promote integration, between the educational system and the world of work: career education as an opportunity for personal and vocational growth

In function of educational practice, aimed at supporting the individual in the complex development of personal growth, guidance is outlined as a continuous process of deconstruction and reconstruction of one’s existence in a form that is at the same time autopoietic (the individual is the author…


Pedagogy of Work: historical reference coordinates

To outline the characterizing traits of work as an aspect of human education, it is essential to cross the pedagogical reflection diachronically, underlining those plots on which the pedagogical discourse around work is based. Work, a word used to identify both actions related to fatigue and effort,…


A forerunner of women's gymnastics and school and scouting educational model: Georges Hébert and the virtues of the Natural Method of Physical and Moral Education

A supporter of women's emancipation, Georges Hébert founded in 1918 “La Palestra”, a gymnastics school for women and children, considered the flagship of what was called “Méthode naturelle d'éducation physique, virile et morale”, a method that combined training of physical abilities,…



In questo numero della rivista QTimes - Journal of Education, Technology and Social Studies si propone uno spaccato del dibattito nazionale sulle competenze non cognitive. Il contenuto riportato in auge dal disegno di legge n. 2493 approvato alla Camera dei deputati l’11 gennaio 2022, afferma…


Analysis and documentation of facilitators and barriers at school: an analysis model from an ICF perspective

From an ICF perspective, observing facilitators and barriers is a fundamental step in building inclusive school settings. This article proposes a model of analysis and documentation, based on general levels (the school, organization, resources and services) and specific levels (the classroom,…


The ICF as an evaluation metalanguage in the various assessment tools: the interaction between person and environment through a multi-level matrix structure

The ICF, as a conceptual coordinator, is able to guide the methods of collaboration within the learning environments. It is presented as an expression of the capability approach. In the current analysis we intend to highlight the elements of the multidimensional and multi-perspective language of the…


From the person to the learning environment, through an ecological social human approach. The IEP as a real planning tool to promote inclusive education through multiple pluralistic proposals

According to the current lines of contemporary research, the aim of the framework of inclusive education is to respond to the diversity and learning differences of all students, through a different environmental organization for everyone. The IEP can represent an extremely important educational and…


Pedagogical studies and emotional development

Modern society, or as in J.-F. Lyotard’s (1979) words, postmodern society, is always more frequently identified as a vessel containing the conditions of human distress which derive from “destructive emotions”; these emotions change the surrounding environment such that they are eventually out…


Mediacognitive Education

Today, digital tools are an integral part of our social fabric, and this leads us to reflect on two interrelated aspects: transformation and awareness. By transformation, we are referring to those spaces where social interaction takes place, and which, thanks to the continual growth of internet…


2030 Agenda for students: a Key to Understand Economic Change in the Country

This paper presents the joint experience between the Italian National Statistical Institute and the European Association for Economic Education (EAA) to design teaching and learning units on the themes of the 2030 Agenda. The learning units concern 3 Goals coherent with the work objectives of the…


Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) in educational and school services: socio-pedagogical professional educator and the transdisciplinary approach to complexity

Within the Italian educational and scholastic contexts, the commitment of the socio-pedagogical professional educator, as well as all the other specialties present in the multi-professional team of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), represents an essential point of observation.…


Teachers in Finland and Italy, research findings

What is the academic path of aspiring teachers? What is the perception of this role in the community? Theachers’ training is today more than ever a current topic. Different competences are requested from teacher, including planning and organizational skills in the face of the changing interests…


“Relativity culture” in crisis time

Change and innovation have spread on as new landmarks in a networked society, where new cultural challenges are now shaping up: even more so in the present crisis time, stressed by persisting Sars Cov-2 pandemia, and they are now looking forward to getting proper responses and interventions that…


Emotional upbringing and corporeality

This article suggests a consideration on value of corpo reality, that have been for a long time disregarded in formal educational situations, where cognitive and intellectual dimension of students has been given more preference in comparison with the one given to their own emozional lives, like this…


Coronavirus: the chance of inclusive teacher

The objective of this article is to identify the indispensable and qualifying element of inclusive practices, long in the educational and scholastic vocabulary, but made dramatically prioritized by the pandemic: the inclusive attitude of the teacher. This objective requires the rethinking and…


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