Rapporti, riflessioni, presentazioni

Socially Assistive Robotics and Inclusive Education: theoretical perspectives and practical applications in intellectual disability

This contribution, examining the Socially Assistive Robotics (SAR), an emerging form of Assistive Technology that incorporates all robotic systems capable of providing assistance through social interaction (Feil-Seifer & Mataric, 2005), aims to initiate an organic reflection on the potential…


Digital ethics

In the innovative climate of continuous experimentation in which we are involved, development should be regulated not only by technical-scientific disciplines but also by humanistic ones such as education, psychology, anthropology and philosophy in order to train scientists to program machines that…


For gender pedagogy. Education, school and society

Pattern of thinking have impacted the gender difference for a long time with the distribution of roles and different task depending on the gender. The attention for the physic nature, for the character and for the attitude of the men and women has product generalization, where models and stereotypes…


The digital resource and the gamification for the training of young people focused on the occupational safety and health’s at work

The digital skills are fundamental to make adequate use of the digital services of the public administration and to access to the world of work. In learning contexts, it is therefore important to increase the use of digital technologies in order to improve learning processes and to develop new…


Small Schools and Educational Poverty Dimensions of analysis, interpretation of weaknesses, training interventions

Territorial inequality, and the consequent economic impoverishment, mean that instead of the urban dimension “typical” of the collective imagination a whole series of “minor” realities emerge, located in mountains, islands, internal and remote areas or in the suburbs of the country. In these…


Enhancement of skills and prevention of early school leaving: the instrumental function of didactic action in the school of complexity

The paper examines the main causes of educational poverty (economic crisis, inadequate redistribution of wealth, quality of education and training, personal choices); the social effects that can derive from the emulation of models in which the logic of “everything and now” prevails and the role…


Distance school: physical or social?

The paper intends to highlight the issues concerning educational poverty at the time of Covid-19 and how the inequalities that are encountered in the school environment in contexts of educational normality have become acute and / or have acquired new forms in the phases I and II. The changes in the…


Scholl Speadness in Sardinia and the bet of the project Tutti a Iscol@! taking place st the “Dante Alighieri” secondary school in Selargius

The scholastic spread and dispersion is a complex phenomenon that is extended to the entire education system. The international community has for a long time invested in addressing the human right that every child has at an education, which is, therefore, an inalienable right that is due to every…


The educational relationship in the era of the covid-19 emergency between the acquisition of competence, individual motivation and ability to resilience

The papers examines the elements of novelty that characterize current educational relationships, which in the era of the social emergency covid-19, become web-mediated. Teachers and students have been forced to radically change their way of communicating and interacting, without having, among other…


Distant: redesigning teaching to adapt it to ICT

Distance learning is a much-discussed topic; however, it has found more space in the debates than in the practical reality due to a mentality not inclined to change. Due to the crisis of the last few months, the topic has become decidedly more current since distance teaching has proved to be the…


The role of the teacher in distance learning, between covid-19 emergency, new learning environments and opportunities for educational innovation

The paper examines the impact of web-mediated communication on teaching, with particular reference to the dematerialization of the learning environment. The educational environment is analyzed from the psycho-pedagogical point of view in its meaning of “place of training”, part of the didactic…


Pedagogy for Distance Teaching (DaD)

This contribution aims to highlight what kind of pedagogy the DaD is capable of conveying. Drawing lessons from the moment of crisis that the country is going through, we will focus on the policies and educational actions to be organized along theoretical lines in an interdisciplinary…


Concept map: teaching/learning tools

Le mappe concettuali vengono impiegate in maniera sempre più stabile e sistematica in tutti i settori in cui è importante e necessario gestire e rappresentare la conoscenza, di conseguenza anche in ambito didattico-formativo. La conoscenza rappresentata con le/nelle mappe concettuali è…


Bioethics, Multiculturalism and olistic care

In the present article we outline the role played by cultural beliefs concerning healthcare in multicultural settings: in doing this, we stress the need of an "olistic care", namely the doctor has the duty to establish a dialogue with the patient, being able to understand his specific culturally…


The metaphor of mental illness

In the present article we consider illness as a metaphor: mental disorders, in particular are always polifaceted, when it comes to their origin. We need to understand all the key factors that are involved in the outcome of mental disorders. Each mental disorder is indeea a "simbol" of something, not…


Philosophical anthropology during the late-modernity

The initial definition of thruth (i.e.: the equivalence between being and soul, or thought) has been criticized during the philosophical late Modernity. Both “being” and “thought”, in fact, were considered inconsistent. The picture changed with the so called linguistic turn: in this…


Mobbing: psychological terrorism in the workplace

Mobbing concerns a work situation in which the worker is the victim of persecutory actions by one or more attackers who may find themselves in positions of superiority, inferiority or equality. The actions are very heterogeneous and range from simple marginalization to the assignment of…


Labour-Market, Jobless Growth and Lifelong Guidance

This article analyses the interactions between labour-market dynamics, education and lifelong-learning policies, by examining the principal changes in the economic system and in the strategic role of education in today’s knowledge society, in relation to critical global-scenario issues, like the…


For a pedagogy of culture

The contribute offer a reflection about education’s meaning and invite us to recover the value of instruction and formation for the purpose of human realization. Only through education the individual can to rehabilitate the thought’s liberty, idea’s strength, his creative capacity and express…


Praise of ambiguity

The relationship between the individual and the organization in the productive sphere express a very high level of complexity, in many respects superior to that relating to the multidimensional relationship between the individual and society. In fact, the impact that the work organization, with its…


Evaluation of learning

The problem of evaluation is an old problem, because every time we take initiatives to achieve a training objective, we also feel the need to check if the objectives are achievable. Evaluation processes today use new technologies that are able to meet this need, but it is also necessary to give the…


Human being in between endless desire and care

The main object philosophy deals with from its beginning is being. Human being, because of his peculiar connection with being, is characterized by an endless deside that cannot properly be fullfilled. Consciousness is indeed twofold, being composed by 1) its formal comprehension of being…


The ”Health” of the organization. On some intangible components as the basic realities to improve the governance of contemporary public health organizations

The today’s challenge by the organizations of the public health service is perhaps basically constituted by the need to develop an individual and collective more professional empreneurship capable of urge internal and external resources through a specific and well-defined strategic orientation,…


Welfare and empowerment community

Thanks to the tumultuous digital technologies development, nowadays we live in a world without boundaries, characterized by liquid communities that meet and collide, sometimes denying mutual recognition. We move in a communicative bulimia where information runs like in a circus where the sense and…


Social inequality in a stationary society

Questo periodo storico si presenta come uno dei più duri. I prodotti più evidenti della crisi sono chiaramente le condizioni d’instabilità, incertezza e precarietà economica, che incidono profondamente anche sullo stato sociale, educativo e culturale. Il futuro prossimo non sembra capace di…


(Re)Discovering to be an european citize The necessity of the education to European Citizenship in order to (ac)knowledge the active role to play in the Unio

It has been 13 years since the European Year of Citizenship Through Education. The need of the role of the education relating to European Union’s issues is now clearer and clearer. Indeed, even though the Treaties define every inhabitant of the Member States as “citizen” and give him or her…


The educator, «teacher of cordial virtues»

Rethinking the role of educator in formal and non-formal educational context: this is the objective of the article. In the reflection we remember the Law 205 (c. 594-601) that regulates the profession. To recognize the value of the educator, we recall the studies of John Dewey, Maria Montessori,…


Unemployment and drop-out

La dispersione scolastica e lo skills mismatch tra competenze richieste e disponibili, nonostante la diminuzione degli ultimi anni, costituiscono ancora un grave problema per il nostro Paese, con ricadute sui percorsi personali e sul sistema socio-economico. Partendo da un recente articolo, che…


Schools and territory between network and community

Educational agencies are going through a difficult transition period that is having important consequences in terms of de-legitimation of the social mandate historically assigned to school. The reason of this widespread uneasiness is due to the fact that today we are living in a complex system where…


Lifelong learning inside Lerning Organization

Every organization shall check an activity list in order to make profit; each activity is itself depending on a series of bonds (technology, assets, human resources, infrastructures...). In-business Learning is an essential bond: without it business process could even decade till complete breakout.…


Competences for 21st Century Schools

What means ‘key competences’ and why developing them is so important in today's society? This paper focuses on three aspects of 21st century school: the importance of competences in information society, the definition in international frameworks for key competences and new approaches in teaching…


Certification of competences and authentic tasks

After a quick analysis of the normative evolution of the skill's concept, the essay focuses on the introduction of compulsory certification of skills; then it analyses the development, first doctrinal and then legislative, of the authentic performance concept or real life tasks; furthermore, it…


Gender differences in educational processes

The Italian educational system since the seventies became a women's world, both for the massive presence of girls in all levels of schooling, both for a teaching staff composed mainly of women, so that in some scope men have become one real “rarity”. The feminine school and university education…


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