Studi e contributi di ricerca

Gender differences in the use of new technologies and in university performance: quantitative analysis and pedagogical implications

The new digital technologies are now an integral part of the communication and training practices of young people, who are conceived as naturally predisposed to the use of ICT. However, the rhetoric of the screen or net generation (Rivoltella, 2006) risks masking the diversity of ICT use experiences…


To everyone the same opportunities: evolution of the technological equipment of Italian families during the Covid-19 health emergency

The health emergency caused by Covid-19 has highlighted the importance for students of having a quiet place to study and a technological equipment suitable for distance learning, in their homes. Until two years ago, the in-person classroom learning could compensate for the lack of these aspects,…


Training needs and digital skills of Italian teachers involved into “PON Program for School 2014-2020”: an analytical perspective for supporting a new reflection on online learning

The health emergency caused by the spread of COVID-19 during 2020-21 forced schools of all levels to provide online education. The complexity of the situation that has emerged and the problems that have immediately spread has stimulated debate on various aspects of the issue, in particular on the…


Sliding doors effect in families including children with disabilities: from crisis to rebirth. Narrative survey on the imaginative dimension of happiness for conscious and open parenting

The birth of a child with a disability marks an irreversible existential turning point for the family. We have chosen to carry out a narrative investigation by examining the so-called "sliding doors effect" in family caregivers, in search of possible worlds, aspirations, stories, bonds, impulses…


The disabling emotions and feelings of future special needs teachers: results of a survey on the emotional-relational factors involved in the perception of sensory disabilities

In addition to recognizing qualities based on knowledge, skills, competences related to strictly professional aspects and personality characteristics, over the years, attention has been paid to the emotional dimension of the teacher, as competence in self-management and self-regulation of their…


Learning Co-Construction: from reflective practice to action. Inquiry Based Laboratory and action learning in future support teachers training

This work presents the results of an experimental research in a single group, which involved 1350 students and 120 laboratory teachers attending the 5th cycle of the specialization course for didactic support activities for kindergartens, primary, first and secondary schools. And high school of the…


The evaluation of individual and relational factors in university drop-out through a statistical analysis model of mediation

The present study aims to examine the relationships between affective dimensions (psychological distress and levels of experienced anxiety and anger), relational dimensions (interaction with the university context) and the risk of drop-out in a sample of 128 university students (88.8% women, average…


Educating for sustainability. Perceptions and representations of climate change in secondary school. A comparison between the case studies of Palermo and Catanzaro

This contribution proposes a study on the ways in which climate change is perceived by young people aged between 16 and 20 who live in the capitals of two cities in Southern Italy, Palermo, the capital of Sicily and Catanzaro, the capital of Calabria. Through ethnographic interviews, based on the…


The relational aspect of the school-family relationship at the time of Covid-19: a reflection in terms of inclusion of students with disabilities

This article describes the results of a research that involved 814 school operators on the inclusive processes activated in the school during the lockdown. The survey, conducted through the administration of a questionnaire, was aimed at understanding if and how much DaD has succeeded in ensuring…


The school in the era of virtual environments and mediated relationships: the aggregating function of the teacher in learning processes

The paper examines the transformations that distance learning has introduced in the learning environment, with particular reference to the fragmentation of educational interventions (alternation between face-to-face teaching and online teaching) and the consequent impoverishment of social relations.…


Artificial Intelligence and Education: the perceptions of the students of the Department of Educational Sciences at Roma Tre University on the concept of Artificial Intelligence

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) methodologies based on machine learning and deep learning is now present in all aspects of our daily lives, including our education. The world of education, at any level, has to consider the predominant role that AI plays in the modern world. In April 2018,…


Projects to counter educational poverty of third-country citizens in Italy: create educational and vocational guidance networks and pathways

In Italy, the right to study is guaranteed without any discrimination to Italians and foreigners (Article 34 of the Constitution). Among the national targets there is the aim to invest on training actions of operators and on renewal of educational and vocational guidance measures, also aimed at…


The EduSostenibile project and co-planning interventions: strategies and tools for combating educational poverty

The contribution presents the research-training implemented within the EduSostenibile project, funded by the “Con i Bambini Foundation”. The project proposal has promoted the birth and development of Educating Communities which has resulted in the construction of eight Territorial Educational…


Research and analysis of data on perceived self-efficacy in professional educators and in the change of organizational structures in pedagogical emergencies

The purpose of this contribution is to evaluate the self-efficacy perceived by the educator who operates in contexts of disability in the management of complex problems (Bandura, 2006) such as those characterizing the period of health and social emergency derived from COVID-19, where educational…


Territorial inequalities and educational poverty in the Covid-19 emergency: a study on Italian families and the need to “doing school but not at school”

In Italy, the health emergency has had strong consequences on people’s lives, amplifying already evident inequalities and generating new ones. In the field of education, there have been heavy effects on educational poverty: the rapid move to distance learning (at least its “emergency” version…


Promoting inclusion through “distance contact”: the Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow project during health emergency

The national health emergency, caused by the spread of Covid-19, involved the school system and required an effort to the school-family alliance and to institutions in order to promote e-learning. The paper describes strategies adopted to reschedule an educational project for primary schools,…


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