Studi e contributi di ricerca

Quarantine emotions: investigation of the impact of Covid-19 in preschool children. Analysis for a psycho-pedagogical proposal

This research investigates and analyses the emotional, social, and relational responses and attitudes put in place by children in order to react to the health emergency caused by the spread of Covid-19. Moreover, this study aims to develop an educational intervention tool that can be available to…


Effects of lockdown on the relationship between body image and self-efficacy: the mediation role of resilience

The measures aimed to contain the 2019 coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) led to social distancing and limitation of exits also at didactic level. Physical movement has been drastically limited or interrupted, with important consequences on mental and physical well-being. It can thus have a negative…


Education paths for active listening

This article presents the research on education for active listening and positive didactic communication. Listening education allows students to reach a so-called "reflective" phase which favors the meeting and dialogue in the educational sphere to improve the ability to share knowledge and an…


Enhancing digital citizenship

Digital culture transforms citizens into people who are aware of digital phenomena and dynamics wich have changed, and will change more and more, processes, habits, lifestyles. What is the role of the Public Administration and School in accompanying young people and adults to this new journey? How…


Does germ-line therapy harm to future generations?

In performing germline therapy, looking from the topic of the ethical problems connected to our modal duties related to future generations our conclusion is that the refusal of applying the engineering technique in attempt to treat genetic diseases is not acceptable. A prohibition of this kind…


The school as innovation driver

In this paper we’re trying to explain the first Italian experience of collaboration between Umbria Region and Regional Education Autority (USR) for the community of “animatori digitali” (teachers with particular role for the digital transformation of schools). A special network where the…


Análisis de las opiniones del alumnado y del docente sobre la formación en los ciclos formativos de administración y finanzas

Hace unas décadas la Formación Profesional en España ha sido siempre contemplada como segunda opción en los estudios, por detrás del Bachillerato, para el alumnado que no quería seguir estudiando. Ahora es vista como una mejor opción alternando la teoría y la práctica en empresas. El…


Out of the Fishbowl: The Uberization of Teaching

In terms of recent innovations affecting the Higher Education sector, two are generating significant interest: the creation and delivery of MOOCs as Open Education Resources, and the concept of the flipped classroom, a pedagogic approach whereby the roles of teacher and learner are inverted.…


The use of e-learning in the lifelong learning

From beginning of the new millennium the evolution and the widespread availability of telecommunication systems has allowed the birth of current information system and interconnection system (Internet) within which everybody can exchange information. Thanks to this fast developing today the online…


Complex society and education

The analysis of nowadays society, characterized by complexity, globalization and cosmopolitanism, detects the need for an educational process, characterized not only by being able to read and interpret these phenomena, but also to know how to learn, how to reason and essentially knowing how to think…


Instructional method of Problem Based Learning

Problem Based Learning (PBL) is an instructional method by which students learn through simplified problem solving. Students work in collaborative groups to identify what they need to learn to solve a problem. This paper deals the nature of Problem Based Learning and examines as it helps students…


Teacher's training and evaluation culture

Italian school is wondering about the changes to be introduced to improve the effectiveness of educational paths. These questions highlight the need to promote a culture of evaluation approaches by adopting new assessment on which to base educational decision-making processes in order to improve the…


Using Social Networks at school. A case study

With the advent of the web, the way we produce and manage knowledge has been profoundly changed. This technological development makes available ever more versatile instruments that are able to access and manage increasing quantities of diversified information. It is important to observe these new…


Literacy: aspects, uses and applications

Literacy is the word that we used to refer to competence’s set that include capacities to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute, using printed and written materials associated with varying contexts. “Literacy involves a continuum of learning in enabling individuals to…


The various faces of disorder of the behaviour

Le manifestazioni aggressive sono l’espressione di un disagio personale non funzionale e coerente con il contesto nel quale si verificano. L'aggressività, infatti, non è sempre disfunzionale: vi è un'aggressività reattiva, che è atta alla difesa, diversa dall'aggressività proattiva, che ha…


The evaluation of socio-educational policies. The contribution of the qualitative methodology. Second part. The results of survey and the interpretative evaluation

La valutazione di un intervento di politica socioeducativa affronta tematiche che corrispondono a molteplici funzioni conoscitive, necessarie sia per lo sviluppo dell’intervento sia per stabilire la congruità dei risultati rispetto ai traguardi prestabiliti, ma essenziali anche per conoscere gli…


The evaluation of socio-educational policies. The contribution of the qualitative methodology. Part one. General characteristics and theoretical - methodological assumptions

Per dare una risposta all’esigenza di valutare gli interventi di politica educativa finalizzati alla creazione di servizi alla persona, destinati soprattutto ai giovani e alle famiglie, è stato predisposto e applicato uno specifico programma di valutazione caratterizzato per l’uso della…


Innovative strategies for competitiveness and business development: trasforming knowledge into value. Scientific research and operational experimentation about business network. The contribution of University of Perugia

L’operatività di Net Value si è sviluppata attraverso un rapporto sinergico con l’Università, responsabile istituzionale della ricerca di base e applicata sulle dinamiche industriali e gestionali di network, dal quale è scaturita la definizione di un modello che richiede per la sua…


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