Artificial Intelligence and Promotion of Socio-Emotional Skills in Primary School: Ethical-Pedagogical Perspectives and Educational Possibilities

The ethical-functional design, programming and management of artificial intelligence and robotics represent one of the greatest challenges that the new generations are certainly facing. A challenge that commits man to a return to the sense of the relationship that he/she has always weaved with…


Enhancing reading and illustrations through a virtual Reading Challenge. Results from an exploratory research

The paper aims to contribute to the reflection on the new scenarios and to deepen the best practices that emerged in the school context during the pandemic period. Are reported the outcomes of an exploratory research carried out within the framework of a Manifestation that, integrating a plurality…


Inclusion and digital skills. Strategic priorities for the development of digital competences of special education teachers

Digital skills currently play a fundamental epidiptic role in the ability of education systems to renew themselves and actively project future generations into an increasingly medial anthropic reality within a process of evolution which globally affects the whole of society. The multifaceted…


Digital Educational Ecosystems and multimodal alphabets: teachers' thinking between needs for innovation and resistance

The unfolding educational scenario imposes reflections related to the function and decisive role that technologies can have in settings where emergency looks like a constant condition of the world and not a temporary and limited phenomenon. It requires new skills for teachers, related to the…


The promotion of the well-being of people over 60 by increasing digital skills: a preliminary experimental study

In the academic year 2021/2022 the research project “Prevention of domestic accidents and promotion of physical activity over 60” was carried out to promote the well-being of 8 groups of people over 60 (218 in total) in the province of Palermo. Within the project, the administration of the…


Gender differences in the use of new technologies and in university performance: quantitative analysis and pedagogical implications

The new digital technologies are now an integral part of the communication and training practices of young people, who are conceived as naturally predisposed to the use of ICT. However, the rhetoric of the screen or net generation (Rivoltella, 2006) risks masking the diversity of ICT use experiences…


Recensione del volume Formación del profesorado europeo de Educación Primaria en multiculturalidad y plurilingüismo: España, Francia, Italia y Grecia, Mª Teresa del-Olmo-Ibáñez, Alejandro Cremades-Montesinos, Raúl Gutiérrez Fresneda (eds.), Editorial Pete

Il volume presenta, con uno sguardo attento ai diritti umani e nello specifico al diritto all’istruzione, i dati ricavati da un progetto di ricerca realizzata adottando una prospettiva aperta rivolta all’Europa. Il libro è il risultato del Progetto GRE19-05, finanziato dall'Università di…


Recensione al volume di Vincenzo Bonazza, Individualizzazione e scuola – Il modello di apprendimento, la strategia didattica, la ricerca empirica, Milano: FrancoAngeli, 2021, pp. 136.

In questo volume dal linguaggio scientifico e al contempo fluido, diretto e pragmatico, l’autore Vincenzo Bonazza tratta del tema dell’individualizzazione dell’insegnamento in ambito scolastico: tema attuale e problematico, che risponde alla sempre urgente necessità della nostra società di…


To everyone the same opportunities: evolution of the technological equipment of Italian families during the Covid-19 health emergency

The health emergency caused by Covid-19 has highlighted the importance for students of having a quiet place to study and a technological equipment suitable for distance learning, in their homes. Until two years ago, the in-person classroom learning could compensate for the lack of these aspects,…


Training needs and digital skills of Italian teachers involved into “PON Program for School 2014-2020”: an analytical perspective for supporting a new reflection on online learning

The health emergency caused by the spread of COVID-19 during 2020-21 forced schools of all levels to provide online education. The complexity of the situation that has emerged and the problems that have immediately spread has stimulated debate on various aspects of the issue, in particular on the…


Sliding doors effect in families including children with disabilities: from crisis to rebirth. Narrative survey on the imaginative dimension of happiness for conscious and open parenting

The birth of a child with a disability marks an irreversible existential turning point for the family. We have chosen to carry out a narrative investigation by examining the so-called "sliding doors effect" in family caregivers, in search of possible worlds, aspirations, stories, bonds, impulses…


Orality in traditional African education and narrative approach to promote the educational inclusion of sub-Saharan adult immigrants

The educational inclusion of adult immigrants is a goal that requires the personalization of education and training paths, both in terms of supply and methodological approaches. In sub-Saharan Africa, school education is not always accessible to everyone, but a tradition of education and lifelong…


New pedagogical perspectives to promote integration, between the educational system and the world of work: career education as an opportunity for personal and vocational growth

In function of educational practice, aimed at supporting the individual in the complex development of personal growth, guidance is outlined as a continuous process of deconstruction and reconstruction of one’s existence in a form that is at the same time autopoietic (the individual is the author…


The eSports Phenomenon between Competition and Education. A Pedagogical Reflection on the Unstoppable Development of Virtual Sports

The recent development of eSports raised a number of ethical, philosophical, and pedagogical questions, building a new and lively interdisciplinary debate. Hence, this paper aims to offer a general overview of the topic, focusing firstly on the controversial definition of electronic sports and the…


Paideia, school, pandemic, civic education: considerations and interconnections under an inclusive perspective

Since 2020, the sanitary emergency conditions caused by the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic have dramatically and shockingly spilled over the entire globe. This has affected and still affects every aspect of human living, including education. The structural change in school organization, committed…


Thinking Educational & Inclusive Paths for Future Motricity Teachers in Primary School: which scenarios?

Recent legal reference (Art. 103 of the Italian Budget Law for 2022) has induced Italian educational authorities to consider Motor and Sports Sciences graduates as prospective Italian Primary School teachers from 2022/2023 onwards. This provision finally puts an end to the long-standing dilemma…


A forerunner of women's gymnastics and school and scouting educational model: Georges Hébert and the virtues of the Natural Method of Physical and Moral Education

A supporter of women's emancipation, Georges Hébert founded in 1918 “La Palestra”, a gymnastics school for women and children, considered the flagship of what was called “Méthode naturelle d'éducation physique, virile et morale”, a method that combined training of physical abilities,…


Digital transition: an online survey to assess the impacts of technology on workers' health and safety

One of the objectives of the 2030 Agenda is to promote lasting, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in which digital technology is an essential driver to ensure the active participation of the entire population and to support structural and organisational change. With the digital…


Exploring the learning potential of collaborative writing with a music-supported app in a comprehensive school of Taranto city

The Information and Communication Technologies, in today's school, represent useful tools to mediate and support students in a systemic-relational learning process and in activities of shared and participatory construction of new knowledge (Van Leeuwen & Janssen 2019; Torri, 2020). However, when…


War and refugees: the welcome contribution of Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Technologies for school

The growing immigration wave of populations fleeing wars, famines and poverty highlights the need to create tools for welcoming children to schools in countries unknown to them. Language can represent a great barrier to inclusion and integration, causing children to suffer especially for the lack of…


The narrative biographical approach in self-assessment processes and enhancement of non-cognitive competences

Non-cognitive competences refer to thought patterns, personal traits, motivations and behaviors that are built and changed over the course of life in a continuous transformative learning process and have a positive effect on social life and career paths. The narrative biographical approach within…


For a new ethic of the human condition: citizenship education as a practice for developing life skills, agency, and the "future"

The complexity of our time presents education with new challenges. Among these is that of youth discomfort, which risks halting young people's constitutive openness to the possible. Against this risk, education must become a moment of cultivation of cognitive and non-cognitive competencies that are…


Develop non-cognitive skills through a virtual confrontation experience between pupils of two schools of Taranto city in times of pandemic

The recognition and enhancement of the human represent the core of the social contract to which the Unesco report “Reimagining our Futures together: A new social Contract for Education” refers. The school of today, therefore, is called to realize what is foreseen in the report through new…


The strategic importance of non cognitive skills in schooling as a tool against early school-leaving

Human capital represents the most important resource available to countries for equitable and sustainable social and economic growth. For this reason, all states should commit themselves to pursuing policies aimed at guaranteeing universal and permanent access to the education and training system.…


The disabling emotions and feelings of future special needs teachers: results of a survey on the emotional-relational factors involved in the perception of sensory disabilities

In addition to recognizing qualities based on knowledge, skills, competences related to strictly professional aspects and personality characteristics, over the years, attention has been paid to the emotional dimension of the teacher, as competence in self-management and self-regulation of their…


Bridging skills and teaching practices: a study on learning effectiveness in ex-tracurricular activities

The article aims to investigate the undermined scenario in which children, during this intrapan-demic period, had to rely on their own strength, supporting themselves in the processes of acquir-ing cognitive and transversal skills, within a new, private and mutilated social dimension. Through the…


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