Art as education, as a field of research and action, still struggles to claim its own specificity and equal importance in relation to other types of knowledge. This paper aims to reflect on the importance of the use of artistic expressions in education, starting from a historical excursus that…
Art education promotes, encourages and enhances the construction of knowledge based on senses, empathy, creativity, understanding and contamination. It creates spaces of mediation in which diversity is no perceived as a problem but as a value, that should be preserved and promoted. Due to these…
Starting from the principles of Karl Mannheim's sociological theory of generations and from the analysis of the 11th Civita Report "Indagine su Giovani e Cultura", focused on the knowledge of values and expectations of the young generations in the digital age in order to favour their active…
Prolegomena: the pleasure principle in making art at school. The pedagogical debate that is taking place about this current topic, crucial but often overlooked, collects a multitude of stimuli. These stimuli have matured in the most disparate disciplinary fields of knowledge (neuroscience,…
A Japanese Ministerial Commission provided the guidelines for a global reform of the Educational System, to prepare students for the challenges of society 5.0; the heart of the technical-scientific training is the human factor: professional development of teachers and enhancement of the arts (MEXT,…