The school is made by a variety of times: the time of learning, the time of teaching, the time of the curriculum, the authentic time of learning, the times of differentiated teaching, but also the time of the school calendar and the canonical time of the minutes allotted to the class hour. Time can…
After a long regulatory process, the educational offer of motor and sports education in the Italian primary school is enriched, thanks to the inclusion of the Sport Sciences specialized teacher with the intention of enhancing corporeity in its multiple expressions as a personal right and cognitive…
In this contribution we wish to present the case of a two-year training course, conducted within a Comprehensive Institute, aimed at co-design the Civic Education curriculum. The starting need was to give both an epistemological and didactic structure, and a design framework to the Citizenship…
In this paper, after analyzing through the international literature the curricular, didactic, and organizational forms that can be adopted in a multi-class, we propose an insight based on interpretative approaches of the situations observed in the classes adhering to the Movimento Nazionale delle…